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What would you use the 28-135mm lens for?

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We did a few weddings using this lens in a bygone era, (35mm film). but found it not a good range on x1.6, 17 50 f2.8 is much better for us. This lens is now used for small Daytime sporting events along with other lenses such as golf, lawn bowls. Sometimes when I just go for a walk it makes a good walkaround its light as well as goes un noticed by passers by, unlike white monsters. Just put it on and go for a walk you`ll soon find a use. As for pertraits its fine with plain backgrounds and not too sharp for the oldies (smoother wrinkles)


have fun

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I have this lens, I got it with my 30D and then when I upgraded to my 40D got it again (BestBuy Warranties rock)... I have to say its a wonderful lens for the price (which in most of its owners' cases is part of the kit they got it with, so the price is not much), the IS works great, and its pretty sharp wide open.


I like to take my camera with me to sporting events (season ticket holder for a college football team, an NFL football team, and an NHL hockey team). I have good seats to all, and the hockey seats are 5 rows from the ice. I also have a 70-300 non-IS cheaper-than-a-turd lens from some years back. The 70-300 at its full focal length takes worse pics than the 27-135 does with a 2x extender.


I really like the lens, I have to admit I use it a lot. The "zoom-creep" issue can be a pain if you're shooting down. I've found that for copystand work, unless you have it zoomed all the way out, you're going to eventually as it creeps.


I'd be interested in seeing a comparison of the Canon 28-135 IS against the new crop of 28-200 and 28-250 lenses from Tamron, Sigma, and Tokina.

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<p>I used the 28-135 as a trade-in to cover part of the cost of a 24-105/4L IS USM.</p>


<p>But before that, I used it for about 5½ years as my most-used lens on a film body, and for the next 2½ years as my second-most used lens on a 20D. I found it more useful on film because its range is that of a good normal zoom, going from wide enough to be called "wide" to about the far end of medium-tele; on 1.6-crop, it almost entirely loses the wide end, which (to me at least) is useful more often than the somewhat modest gain on the tele end. But paired with the 17-40/4L USM, it made a decent two-lens kit.</p>

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Thank you everyone. I do a lot of children's portraits, I love to do outside shooting with some inside stuff (am learning about my lights continually!) I have played with this lens the last few days on my kids and some landscaping, I am anxious to see this on clients, I am doing a wedding for a friend coming up here soon and am thinking about using this on one of my camera bodies. Thank you so much again everyone.
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Thank you everyone. I do a lot of children's portraits, I love to do outside shooting with some inside stuff (am learning about my lights continually!) I have played with this lens the last few days on my kids and some landscaping, I am anxious to see this on clients, I am doing a wedding for a friend coming up here soon and am thinking about using this on one of my camera bodies. Thank you so much again everyone.
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