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Could not send picture by Photoshop Element 5

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I'm using window vista and photoshop element 5.0.2 ( updated to Vista ) but

Icould not send pictures by e-mail through Photoshop 5. I downloaded the trial

version of Photoshop 6 and then I can send pictures with Photoshop 5. After I

removed the Photoshop 6 off my computer, the problem comes back . I tried to

download the trial version of Photoshop 6 again and the problem is solved !

What is going on here ? Is this a coincidence ?

PS: When I go to Help in Photoshop 5 , it says that my photoshop 5 is missiong

this option even I did re-instasll Photoshop 5 again. ( I have the original

copy of Photoshop 5 but for Window XP ).

What did I do wrong here ? Please help. Happy Holidays to all.


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I ran into weird problems with downloaded version of PSE5 on a Vista machine as well. I contacted Adobe, and a tech told me that the download version would not run on Vista. (Strange!) It did run, but with problems. But she told me the CD verions of PSE5 would run on Vista. I got them to send me the CD version (for free) of PSE5, uninstalled the download version, installed the CD version and no more problems with Vista. But I haven't tried to send photos by email.
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Hi Hop, I tried sending by email and it worked for me. With an image in the main window, I clicked on the icon with the globe and the envelope in the tool bar. It opened the organizer, which I hate, then started a wizard which took care of the rest. But all in all, not bad. It provides the options of selecting a frame and a background.


Can you access the email topic in the help?


Other than that, I'm not sure what else to suggest. Maybe just go with PSE6?

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Hi Phil,

I could not access the e-mail topic in the help ; it says that the e-mail feature was not installed (!?). That is the problem, that is why I have to have the trial version of Photoshop 6 in my computer. I do not know why. Maybe I will try to phone them . Thank You and Happy New Year.

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