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ebay umbrella softboxes


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Hi all,


I've been looking to get a couple of umbrella softboxes (you know - fire into an

umbrella, but it's got a softbox baffle diffuser before the light gets out for a

softer light. I think the Photek Softliter is the one I've been eyeing from BH,



Ebay has these:




that I'm considering. Seem to do the right thing. Anyone tried them? I'll

probably get a set (hey, it's a 2 pack!) to try out regardless, but if anyone

has tried them, let me know.





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Of course, the shipping is where they get you. it's really $35 for 2. The Photek Softliter, though, is $50 for 1, and the Apollo units, which are similar (umbrellas, basically, with a diffusion panel), are even more. So...


I'll probably pick up a couple. My umbrellas will last me a bit longer for now, but having something that will have a bit more diffusion would be nice now and then.



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These things can be bought for retail in China for slightly less than $10 a piece so the price seems right, at least when not considering the cost of shipping. I have seen units where the curved part of the umbrella is translucent and the rear part into which the light is fitted is black on the outside and silver inside. This makes it work more like normal softbox with the light pointing towards the subject. Not sure how the pictured contraption would work in practice. Softbox loses some light and this puts it further away from the subject and the flash head is also right in the middle of it as well blocking some light and most likely causing some strange looking shadows or catchlights.
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