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Lee wide angle hood/filter with SA47XL


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I wonder if anyone has experience using lens hoods with the Schneider SA47XL on 4x5 and 6x9.




I've just purchased my first LF camera - a Cambo Wide DS and the 47mm lens. I'm using it with Schneider's center filter - with a front thread of 86mm. I really need a lens hood for this, since I've already experienced some flare and reflections from out of frame lights.




I was hoping to use a Lee wide angle hood/singe filter holder with a wide angle 86mm adapter. Has anyone tried this on the above combination? Does it vignette? Any other hints/tips?




I'm also considering using the camea with a 6x9 back and the Cambo viewfinder. In this configuration I would remove the ground glass, and rely on the helical to focus. Any tips on pre-setting filter hood extension to avoid vignessing problems? The hood I'm considering has no lock or measuring scale.





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For 4x5 i don't think the lee filter holder + hood combo will work.

even wit hthe wide angle attachment ring and the wide version

ofthe Lee Hood i suspect you'll get some vignetting along the

long dimension of the 4x5 piece of film. A better bet would be the

straightforward Lee foundation kit andthe w/a attachment ring.

<P>wit h6x9 , since you aren't covering as wide an angle of view

the wide angle version of the lee hood+filter holdr should work

fine, but once again I strongly recommend you get the wide

angle attachment ring.

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Andrew: Lee has a wide angle hood. That might work but you should ask

Lee first. They are courteous, helpful people and am sure they will

reply. The regular hood will not work. Make sure when you get a Lee

hood that you do not get one with two filter slots. Each additional

filter slot narrows the angle of view.

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The shortest Lens I use Lee Filter Hoods with is a 90mm lens on a

4x5". For shorter lenses, I prefer a Lens Shade, because it is better

adjustable to block direct sun light. The lens hood must not vignett

the whole image circle while a lens shade may vignett the parts you

don't need. There will not be much left with a 47XL on 4x5, but you

will have an advantage on 6x9.





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I have the previous model of the cambowide with the 47xl wilh the 3c

filter. I don't have and plan to use a hood because I always try to

shot with even lighting with this ultra wide lens. Also, I don't tend

to "move" with this lens because the distortion become really obvious.

I am wondering whether you have or tried or planning to buy the

cambowide viewfinder?





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Thanks for your answers. Just to clarify - I was interested in the

Lee solution primarily because it looked like a good lens hood - I

don't use many filters and I would only need 1 maximum if I used it

as a filter holder.




I discussed the lens hood situation with my nearest photo dealers

(Robert White) and they were unsure about the suitability of the wide

angle shade. If I used a shade I also think I would have to take

the 'roll-bars' off the front of the camera, which I don't want to

do. I ended up buying a flag attachment which should work well if

there's a single bright off-shot source.




Renee, good to hear from someone else with one of these. Due to the

appaling weather we have to deal with in England, and a bout of

the 'flu, I haven't used mine much! I've considered the viewfinder,

but I'm told that it's out of production. I have the right-angle

ground glass viewer which is OK, but I'd like to use the camera more

rapidly with a 6x9 back. I'll try to get hold of a used Cambo

viewfinder, but the other alternatives I've been considering are the

Voigtlander 21mm viewfinder (which is very close in aspect ratio and

field of view to 47 on 6x9) and building my own 'sportsfinder' to

clip on to the cold shoe. I think the latter should be quite easy to


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