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Nikon update of Nikon Scan for Vista

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Hi Don

I read a post about this the other day but unfortunately it still seems only 32bit Vista that Nikon are catering for. I take it this is what you have? I've managed to install the software no problem but unfortunately haven't found a way round the driver issue for the 9000 and to date have not found anyone who definitely has this combo working.


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Lizzie, did you install it on a computer using Vista 64 bit?


I plan on building a new system and want to use Vista 64 bit software, but also need my 9000 to work. I understand you can install software to run in the 32bit mode with Vista 64, but don't know if this makes a difference relative to drivers.

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Robert - yes I did install it on a 64 Vista machine - however, the bad part is I can get it to recognise the scanner. In theory the scanner is 'working' according to the device manager - this by using drivers I got from the Vuescan software download. However, neither Vuescan nor Nikon Scan can see the LS9000.<p> Ed Hamrick from Vuescan thought this was probably due to an issue with a file called scsiscan.sys that has problems with 64 bit OS and firewire devices. Microsoft do a 'hotfix for this but only for XP64 - apparently it should still work for Vista but I can't get it to install on my PC for some reason.<p> The only hope seems that enough people hassle Nikon to make them feel its worth their while to make drivers for 64 bit PCs as well or that Microsoft sort out the scsiscan.sys problem in a future release - though I can't be certain that is the problem.<p> In the meantime I've kept my old PC (32 bit XP) which my husband now uses and I'll just have to scan things on that. It's annoying as my whole reason for wanting Vista 64 was to allow me to have more memory to make life a bit quicker when handling those huge files the LS9000 creates. Shame Nikon can't see the logic in that.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I just got off the phone with nikon's tech support who told me clearly that there will never be a 64-bit driver for the coolscan 9000, nor will nikonscan ever support the generic vuescan driver.


Thankfully I've been using vuescan with my coolscan 9000 on vista 64 and it's working fine, though it would've been nice to be able to try nikonscan.

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One thing that normally throws a spanner in the worx is that windows 64bit REQUIRES all drivers to be digitally signed (which means the manufacturer has to spend a bunch on getting qualified certificates etc).


HOWEVER! There is a way to turn off the forced requirement!

When you boot your pc keep hitting F6 until you get a black and white menu screen, then press F8 and you will be given a list of boot options etc. At the bottom of this list is the option to turn off enforced certification for windows drivers (or some variation of that), turn it off then reboot.

Next thing is to make sure if you're running the driver install from a straight .exe file you need to right click it and run as an administrator to ensure all permissions are given for a faultless installation.

(i did the above to get my Eye-one Display 2 profiling dongle to work!)


If that fails to work then maybe also try going in to the user management options in windows control panel and turning off UAC (user account control) which turns off the popup dialogs asking your permission to run programs (this is a useful thing to know in any event! :p)


Can someone try that on their 64bit Vista and let me know how they get on? As i too am thinking about getting a LS9000, but this forum is putting me off!

How do u find the scanner for skin tones in protraits??


I'm upgrading from a Epson V700 and am hoping it will be much much better!

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  • 1 month later...

All that talk indeed sounds quite frustrating...:-(

I'm putting up a new machine - all aimed to handle a heavy engineering computing workload along with photograhic work (photoshop obviously) and lareg mamory management would be the major point of x64 OS. I'm yet torning between XP x64 and Vista x64, that NikonScan incompatibility with x64 OS and their apparent unwillingness to support their scanning community sounds really dissapointing (and I'm so sued to NikonScan, couldn't force myself to like Vuescan a whle ago during trial period,,,)

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  • 1 year later...

<p>Hi, I faced similar problem and I'm glad someone got through.<br>

My challenge was using Nikon Scan 4.02 with <strong>Windows XP Professional x64</strong>. I did not find any hints, unlike for Vista x64, on the Internet. I was ready to bother myself with VMWare, but (luckily?) it failed with BSOD in guest OS (Windows XP 32-bit) USB driver.<br>

I hat no choice, so I followed the pattern proposed for Vista:</p>


<li>install a demo version of an application which incorporates 64-bit drivers for my Nikon Coolscan V ED (like SilverFast or VueScan)</li>

<li>install Nikon Scan 4 without drivers on top</li>



<p>Unfortunately Nikon Scan 4 (non of 4.00, 4.02 or 4.03) won't install on Windows XP x64. <strong>"Nikon Scan 4 does not run on this operating system"</strong> it sais.<br>

The <strong>solution</strong> is install Nikon Scan 4 on 32-bit OS and then just copy the software. <br />So adjusted pattern is:</p>


<li>install a demo version of an application which incorporates 64-bit drivers for my Nikon Coolscan V ED (e.g. download SilverFast Ai IT8 from <a href="http://www.silverfast.com/get_demo/en.html?product=447">http://www.silverfast.com/get_demo/en.html?product=447</a>)</li>

<li>install Nikon Scan 4 on 32-bit OS und update to 4.02</li>

<li>copy folders from 32-bit Windows onto your x64<br /><strong>C:\Program Files\Nikon</strong><br /><strong>C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nikon</strong><br /><strong>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nikon</strong> (it's missing on 32-bit, copy it from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nikon)<br /><strong>C:\WINDOWS\twain_32\Nikon</strong></li>

<li>don't forget to ENJOY!</li>


<p>I do enjoy now because this incapability of Nikon Software was the pain in my a... for all these years. You can imagine how happy I am now :-)<br>

Blame on Nikon software engineers who don't care of any solution while they do have 64-bit drivers (SilverFast claims to use standard drivers from Nikon) and the software itself runs on 64-bit just perfect.</p>

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