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I have a 2509N reel, but what are these flaps I keep hearing about


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I've bought a 2nd hand 2553 tank and 2509N reel on eBay for processing my 4x5

sheets. I've built a little roller bed to lay the drum on, and I'm rotating by

hand. So far things have been good (although as I'd read 10 minutes of rolling

by hand gets "old mighty quick"). I've done one batch so far (4 sheets of ADOX)

and they are very nice (and *no* scratches from tray development either :-)


My question though is what are these little black flaps I hear people talking

about. I did not get these with my setup. I can see that rapid rolling might

easily dislodge the sheets, so I've been rotating at about 50rpm (give or take ;-)


do I need these things?


can I buy them seperately?


do they have a part number?


thanks folks

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Hi Chris !

I own plain 2509 and improved 2509N reels, from the same source than yours.

I process my 4x5 film in a 2521 tank, used by inversion as one will do with 135 film tank. So it use a lot of chemistry (about 1.450 l) but with HC110 dil H or Rodinal 1+50 it's not a huge cost.

With the plain 2509, I can't install the flaps as there are no lock for them. I had no problem of film getting out of the reel so I often omit them even on the more recent 2509N reels.

Maybe the previous owner didn't use them and discard them ?

If you're happy without them, why bother ?

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>If you're happy without them, why bother ?


mainly its because I just don't know. I have read so many people having problems with these systems I wondered if it is because there were not using the clips?


I've used trays for my development since 2002 *(when I started with 4x5) and so I know little about drums. I actually only moved over to drums due to a lack of darkroom in my present apartment.



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I seem to remember that the black holders were actually introduced to improve processing consistency when the spiral was loaded with six sheets of film (I cannot remember my source for this, but will post if I find it).


With the earlier 2509 reels, Jobo recommended that only four sheets of 4x5, or 9x12 were loaded (leaving the centre slot free on each side), to prevent processing marks or streaks. The modifications producing the 2509n spirals, with the black flaps, overcame these problems.


Cheers Steve

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Hi !

Steve, frankly, I process in either model of 2509, and six sheet at a time. I do not know if it is due to the fact that I use manual processing but I do not encounter uneven processing with either reels.

But, as usual, YMMV ;-)

For now, I'm practicing processing in trays 4 to 6 sheets at a time. To practice, I use outdated Efke 25 film without hardener which is said to be very fragile. Last attempt was scratch free ! So this is a great victory !

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<a href=http://www.jobo.com/> JOBO AG </a> (your fingerwork partially done)<br>

do I need these things? = If the film slips out of their slots in your reel and/or you consistently get uneven developing then<i> YES</i>.<br>

can I buy them seperately? do they have a part number? = Best bet is to find a camera store close to you and ask if they can order them for you. JOBO does not list them or the tube sections on their site for the US but I did go through a local retailer and get the tube sections and other parts for the tanks and system were in their catalog.

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