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best on line prints for 18x24 size

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I want to print 18x24 size prints. MPix which I have used only does 16x24. Pictureframes-who I have also

used will only do proofs at 18x24. They always have a white 1 inch border that I don't want. To do without

I have to also frame with them-which I don't want to do. So help me-does anyone know where I can send

out for 18x24 prints. I haven't tried costco or similiar since they offer little variety in paper type. But I am

open to any and all suggestions.



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I'm really not a huge expert on it. My lab Natural Color Imaging doesn't carry that size, and

they have a lot of oddball sizes. Smugmug doesn't have it either. I'd just crop to that size, and

order as is to a larger piece of paper and cut it.


Just because you have a 1.6 sensor, doesn't mean that they will carry a perfect fit for it. Not

yet anyways. Good luck though, someone might come along and point you to someone who

does have that size.

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I gotta say, I've been to WCI and maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see any difference in quality between them and adorama or ritz.

Labs like WCI are the way to go if you're making several prints, because they'll make a proof for you to evaluate before they print the whole run. That way you know you'll be happy with the final result.


For a single print though, you can get monitor calibration software/hardware for the price of a moderate sized print at a pro lab and do the work yourself. (Adoroma has a "do not change my file" option, though for 16x24 you'll have to mail them a cd, because you can't upload a file over 40mb on their site.)

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  • 6 months later...
Hey, it'sbeen a while since your post, but I use www.wmphotoworks.com and they offer a direct print 18x24 ( I do my own color management) for $19.00 on E surface pro paper. It is a nice format for a lot of prints and does match my digital files nicely. Great prints usually 1 day turnaround.
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