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High winds are a problem here in Colorado. Very sturdy tripods are a

necessity. I am reminded what Ansel Adams told me over dinner in

Honolulu, in 1956....on the subject of tripods. He said the ideal

tripod..."is a cubic yard of concrete with a 1/4" X #20 bolt sticking

out of the top". With regard to setting up an umbrella to shield the

winds, I am reminded that you might want to have an assistant hold on

to it.... as he yells,..."Toto..this must be Kansas"! (:-)

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Ha ha ha. It blocks the wind! Won't help you with length of

exposure. Maybe a larger aperture will! he he he.




Seriously, my umbrella is a necessity here in the San Francisco bay

area. Wind wind wind. My umbrella blocks the wind at the time of

exposure, so my bellows doesn't get a chance to act like a sail. And

to keep my tripod on the ground, I have been using a Gitzo 1228 with

a center column. Not the greatest, but i bought it for my 35mm gear

a while back. Saving for a Ries. Anyway, I hang my backpack or Domke

satchel on the hook on the column to keep it anchored.




Hope this helps.

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At the moment of writing this, the wind outside in the night is

yawling with some forty knots and the snow is flying horizontal.

The forecast predicts that same weather continues. Despite this, I'm

not gonna leave my 8x10 at home tomorrow. I have a van car with a

slide door, and I'm making a lot of my photography from inside this

car. When I want to take a picture, I mark the place exactly, and try

to get the car in the right position so I can have the camera used

from inside. May sound funny, but in many, many cases this works

surprisingly well. More than half of all pictures on my pages in

www.itameri.net/janeerala are taken from inside a car. And I'm sure

you can't tell which one these are. And of course, this works well in

rainy or very cold weather too. But you have to enjoy merely urban

scenes, though I've been doing this in the tundra and the windy

shores around the Northern Ice Sea. Jan

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I also try to dispense with the dark cloth in high winds. Composing

carefully before you set up will help, then you don't have to see

everything on the gg, just enough to focus accurately and make sure

you have the edges in the right place. a loupe with a black barrel

blocks a lot of light too, obviating the need for the focusing cloth

to some extent.

To hold my (lightweight) tripod down in the field I carry one of

these nylon backpackers buckets. It's basically a waterproof 2-gallon

nylon bag with handles. This weighs only an ounce, but I can fill it

with rocks, sand, snow or whatever and hang it on the tripod for

extra stability. My film holder bag hangs on the tripod as a matter

of course.

I haven't tried the umbrella bit, but I do use my body and jacket

spread wide to shield the camera at time of exposure. It works pretty

well, especially if you can set up low.

The other side of wind is the subject movement it causes. I do a lot

of waiting for that 1/4 second of still.

Sometimes, a multiple exposure of faster speeds during the rare still

periods works, i.e. three or four 2-second exposures to get the 6-8

seconds you need, taken over a longer period but when the wind dies

down momentarily. Adjusting plane of focus carefully helps keep the

shutter speeds up.

Sometimes you just have to open up/change to a wider lens/back off to

get a usable shutter speed. Sometimes you just have to walk away.



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Umbrellas? ha! Two umbrellas that I have bought opened up and bent

their struts back at gusts of wind. One of these is a rather heavy

umbrella with special additional struts to prevent it from doing just

that. Does any one know of an umbrella brand that is small and

portable that can withstand gusts of wind? In my experience,

umbrellas help when the wind is no more than a breeze.

Shooting from inside Vans? Oh yeah? is every good viewpoint

accessible from a car legally and safely parked?

Let's face it, when the wind is strong enough to make a kite from a

camera it is time for 35mm loaded with fast film, not for LF


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Keep the camera as low as possible and be prepared to wait a loooong

time for a lull. As well as increasing the stability of the pod, the

strength of the wind can drop off dramatically when you're nearer

the deck.




I'm reminded of an interview with Japanese film-maker Akira Kurosawa

I heard year's ago. A propos the spectacular battle scene in his

film "Ran", the rather naive young interviewer was asking (at great

length) whether the choice of very low camera position had been a

deliberate ploy to maximise the dramatic tension and increase the

sense of immediacy. After thinking for a moment, Kurosawa smiled and

answered "well, no not really, it was just very windy that day and

the tripods were blowing about too much..."





Oh and ditch the dark cloth - I took one on my last trip to the

middle east and after a few days of looking like a prat under this

ridiculous sail, I threw the cloth away and stuck to using the

folding hood on my wista. Even in the desert sun, I found it was OK

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  • 2 weeks later...

FWIW - I have an old circus tent that I bought at auction, (i

literally stole it for $850.00US)and although it has a cracked

centerpole,and a few missing rebar pegs, and degraded hauser ropes,

it is quite effective for wind control when the large format bug

bites! I have found that by erecting the tent with the main entrance

facing my subject matter, I install the plank flooring with

the "cracks" perpedicular to my plane of focus. I simply position the

tripod spikes in the appropriate floor cracks (for maximum rigidity),

and lash the main entrance flap to the extended joists of the

flooring. Now, mine has a hole in the canvas at an optimal height to

protrude the front element,(secure with gaffer tape) however you

could always cut your own hole if none was there (ouch! my tent!)

Anyway, I have found on numerous occasions that this arrangement cuts

down a significant amount of wind, and any remaining elements could

easily be controlled with a large wind-break constructed outside, out

of the image area, of course. On one ocasion, I painted the 30X35

foot windbreak 2 coats silver roofseal, and presto! instant reflector.




I simply meter my scene normaly, capture the moment, and the move on

to my next exposure, proud as a peacock with my climatic victory.

That guy with the van door open_ what a kook!

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