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Pentax Lens Rental


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I'm not personally aware of any place to rent Pentax lenses. I just Googled "rent pentax lenses" and the results I got are not encouraging. If there is a place, I'd love to hear about it, too. But I think that the difficulty getting replacement or special-use lenses is one of the disadvantages of using a non-Nikon/non-Canon system. And for serious photographers, at least, it may more than offset the financial advantages of buying Pentax in the first place. We pay less for the body and less for the lenses, but we pretty much have to buy lenses in order to have them, and many of us (I speak here from sad personal experience) buy, then sell at a loss, when renting and trying would have been cheaper and easier.
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I find our little forum to be behind the times on some occasions. Here is a long thread (where Barry, the CEO of CameraRentals.com, has posted) on the other forum:




There is also a cool option-to-buy if you find that you just cannot let go of a lens when your time is up.

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