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In Soviet Russia.... Slide views you!

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Looking around the local flea market recently, I came across this little guy. I

collect classic cameras and thought it would be neat to have something from the

other side of the iron curtin, and also to replace my previous slide viewer, a

folding cardboard magnifier that has seen better days. Anyone come across these

before? know anything about who made them?

Also if anyone could read russian I'd love to know what the inserts in the box


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My Russian is pretty rudimentary - basic Ukrainian is more my thing - but from what I can determine, the instructions are exactly that - instructions - put in the slide, hold it up, look at a light source to view it.


Interesting tidbits: <br>

- Apparently "slide" transliterates to "diapositive" in Russian <br>

- This is the "Filmoscope F-2", so presumably there is an "F-1" out there somewhere <br>

- This comes from something called the "GUMP Lengorispolkoma Optico-Mechanical Works" - the only reference I can find to "GUMP Lengorispolkoma" calls it the "Main Controller Agency of Metal Industry of Leningrad Executive Committee" <br>


All kinds of Soviet political/industrial groups got into various un- or quasi-related businesses, so the manufacturer here isn't a big surprise (although I've never heard of them previously). Lots of competition and occasional collaboration in the Soviet optics field.

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