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Elinchrom or Profoto self-contained strobes


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After a year of experimenting with an inexpensive continuous light kit, I am

ready to step up to some serious stuff. I cannot stand the heat anymore and want

more that my 2x500 watt tungsten lamps can give me and more color consistency.


I mostly do an still lifes (80%)with the occasional portrait.


I want to buy either elinchrom style 600RX or profoto compact 600 plus. I am not

sure which to buy. They both have a kit with 2 units to get started.


I do like the variable focus of the profoto. In the future, I will probably be

matching what I buy now with photoflex softboxes and other accessories.


I believe the elinchrom has a greater range of power adjustability.


Any thoughts on one or the other. I find the Profoto sexier but they are

certainly better reasons to pick one or the other.


Thanks Edmond

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The focus feature is useful when using various types and sizes of soft-boxes and other

light shaping accessories. However, it does make the Profoto mono heads longer in



I previously used Elinchrom monos but experienced too many intermittent missed flashes

during sequence shooting ... primarily from 2 different heads. So I sold them and moved

to Profoto 600Rs ... I highly recommend getting the R versions with the built-in Pocket

Wizard receivers.


If you don't have a system already going to match up to, consider looking at Hensel. The

radio control on that system allows setting flash heads from the camera position without

doing it on the head itself.

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I own the Hensel's, and while the radio remotes are awesome for controlling the lights (though you have to count off the clicks and they only adjust in 1/10 stop increments); beware of firing them in close proximities or if there's much of a barrier between the remote and lights... I do get intermittent firing sometimes.


Even if you use the inbuilt remotes, I would suggest PW's for firing them if you're in a critical situation.

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I put those two on my short list because my "local" supplier (vistek in canada) has Elinchrom, Profoto, Speedotron. Speedotron does not have a kit to start and their compact units seam less interesting. BTW by local I mean 1000 miles away. So it is difficult to go see some units.





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Speedotron does offer a "Kit" with the Force 5 & 10 monolights. I have the Force 10 kit (approx $2,000), it includes 2 Force 10's, 2 9' heavy duty air cushioned light stands, 2 48" umbrellas, a 36"x38" softbox, 2 synch cords, 2 7" reflectors, and a heavy duty case suitable for airline use.


The Speedo's are very well built. I have found that they offer an excellent trade off between quality and price, especially when you consider the price of accessories for some of the other brands...Profoto / Bron.

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Speedotrons are tanks(can take a beating but they are really heavy), heavy duty shooting.


I really like the ProFotos(Quality of light....wow) but I would pick the pack and heads over the mono's if I were to purchase new(just a personal preference, I found the pack and heads more flexible - or sexier?).


Elinchrom build I found a little plastic-y...


I love Hensel! I think they are highly underrated, if you can afford a Porty - get it!


PLEASE dont get photoflex - flimsy construction, every Photoflex product I have seen/used seems to break or tear. Plus Photoflex on Profoto is just wrong. Chimera at the very least!

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