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Copal Press shutters for Arch Apps?

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Hello all,




I am looking at getting a 72mm SA XL lens for architectural applications, and was thinking about the Copal Press shutter. I know the general specifications for the shutters, and was wondering if anyone would comment on the benefit of a self-cocking shutter for architectural applications.




I consider the lack of a 'T' setting to be a significant drawback. However, I would be willing to forgo 'T' (and also wait for a specially-ordered lens from Germany) if the concensus is that the Press shutter is worth it.




I would think that changing the filters in front of the lens will cause as much (if not more) vibration and jostling to the camera as cocking the shutter would, so I don't necessarily see the value in the Press shutter. Anyone have opinions on the subject?




Many thanks,





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One of the lenses I use for architectural shooting has a self cocking

Copal Press. Is the lack of "T" annoying? If your cable release has

the ability to lock (most do), it's no problem at all. Use "B". (The

version of the Copal Press I have has another hole in which you can

thread a second cable release to hold the shutter open but I can't

seem to want to use that option)




Is a press shutter more advantageous here? Can be. Say if you need to

do multiple pops with your flash because it isn't sufficiently

powerful enough, multiple exposure is 'safer' and a lot more

conveniently done with a self-cocking shuttered lens.




And again, if you need to use split filtration, a self-cocking shutter

is very useful to minimise micro movements on multiple exposures with

the same frame. Lastly, I can at least think of one other situation in

which its useful to have a shutter like this - with a very deep

recessed board where cocking the shutter is an inconvenient process.




(Actually, not having to cock a lens is kinda useful on its own!

Though you do lose the lesser used high speeds. But with whatever

system, you get used to it.)




With regards to moving the camera slightly when cocking the normal

shutters, hell, it's a non issue. With a sufficiently stable and

tightly locked down camera, you don't have to worry about that. As a

matter of fact, I have forgotten to lock down the front rise on

several occasions and there's been no adverse effect on those pictures

(because the front standard on my camera has sufficient friction to

stay still - and this is a very old Sinar F)




FWIW, I am myself in the process of buying a used Prontor Press

shutter. According to the owner, it has a T setting. You might want to

check that brand out. SK Grime's website has good details about the

Prontors as well as Copal press shutters.

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I don't see a T setting for the current Prontors on Mr Grimes site

(though I must admit to be unfamiliar with them), but the Prontor I am

buying is one of their old ones. So they could be different.

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I have several lenses in Copal Press shutters for architectural work,

and I very much like this setup. The lack of a "T" setting isn't a

big issue with the right cable release, although there are times when

it would be nice to have "T".




Worry free multi-poping is a nice benefit with the Copal Press. The

main downside I found to the Copal Press was it's inability to work

with most off-the-shelf air shutter releases. I've done shots in old

houses with very flexible floors where it's nice to stand in another

room at the end of a very long air shutter release. The de Groff air

shutter release has the throw and strength to trip a Copal Press.

Since I wanted the ability to hold the shutter open in "B" setting

with the air release, I made some modifications to the de Groff which

makes this possible.

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Thanks KH and Larry,




I was thinking that the benefits may make the press shutters worth

using. Did you get your lenses in Press shutters, or did you have a

lens put into a press shutter later on? I'm wondering how easy it is

to make the change later on. SK Grimes site mentions that the aperture

blades are at a different location in the press shutter, so I'm

wondering if there are any issues with conversion.




I'll probably email SK Grimes on that question.




Thanks again,





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My lens originally came in a press shutter.




Personally, I think you should get the lens in the shutter you want up

front. I can't imagine that it'll be too difficult to get it remounted

in another type of shutter later on, just that it'll cost you quite a

bit of money! A new blank Copal shutter will easily cost you USD$200

upwards. Factor in the additional money for engraving the aperture





Best to speak with Mr Grimes about the iris thingy.

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re: "Did you get your lenses in Press shutters, or did you have a

lens put into a press shutter later on?"




The answer is Yes and Yes. I purchased one lens with the press

shutter from the factory. The other 3 were used lenses which had

standard Copal shutters. I had Steve Grimes convert these to Copal

Press shutters. Steve gave me a fair trade-in for my standard

Copals. I actually prefer the ones Steve converted. He engraved the

scale in 1/3 stop increments. The factory new one only had full stop





The other thing to be aware of with the Copal Press is that the

preview is always wide open. Some may disagree, but overall I

consider this a benefit. To check the effect of grad filters you

have to put the shutter on "B" and use a locking type cable release.

Not a big deal.

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