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Different Lumix LX1

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I recently bought a Panasonic Lumix LX1. I researched many review sites before final purchase and each

showed the back view of the LX1 with a Panasonic logo embossed below the LCD screen. However the

logo is absent on my silver LX1 with a simple plain metal strip below the screen.


Is it possible that Panasonic produced more than one version of the LX1 with the logo denoting an

earlier or later model or different global market? If so are there other less obvious upgrades to the

original specification?


Any input much appreciated.

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I purchased my Panasonic Lumix LX1 in February, 2006. It does not have Panasonic

embossed below the viewing screen. Mine is silver in color and is plain, just as you described

your recent purchase. I have been very pleased with it, and hope that you enjoy your camera

as well. I frequently take pictures in the 16:9 format.

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Review sites usually review a production model and normally specify if they are testing a

pre-production model, so it may be that the version with the embossed logo is an early



As Tom also has a non-branded LX1, it appears we are using a later model.


Leica introduced the rebadged D-Lux 2 some three months after the launch of the LX1,

so it is possible the embossed Panasonic logo was deleted to allow for the Leica graphics

below the screen without retooling the back panel.


I have contacted Panasonic UK to clarify this but have yet to receive a reply.

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