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Eizo CE210W VS LACIE 320

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I was in a proces to buy a Nec 2090Uxi, thinking that it was the same as the spectraview model, but

considering calibration, i've found out that it wasn't !



One is a 21" Eizo 16/10 and cost 1200 euros

the LACIE is a 3/4 20" and cost 1050 euros

but considering color calibration (i owned an eye one 2 display calibrator)

shall i go with the 21"Eizo or the 20" LACIE ?



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I have an Eizo CG-210 and I can honestly say I have never seen a better monitor. It came with

a 5 year warranty, which is 4 years longer than my Apple had, so I sleep much better at night

too! I think Eizo makes some truly excellent monitors. When I was at ICP, their lab was

outfitted all with LaCie monitors and I don't think they were as good as the Eizo's...it is not

really a fair comparison given the CG210 is a higher model, but the difference between the

screens was obvious.

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The NEC and the LaCie are not necessarily equal! NEC makes the panels, LaCie OEM's them

and they get the seconds. So don't necessarily compare an NEC with a LaCie. As for the Eizo,

I'm still trying to figure out what they bring to the party for all that extra money.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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"As for the Eizo, I'm still trying to figure out what they bring to the party for all that extra

money." the Eizo CE210W is cheaper than the NEC !


The CG210 is just too expensive for me !


The CE210W is repport to be better than the bigger CE240W.


The Eizo use USB for the calibration, and comes with a 5 years warranty. The Nec

Spectraview are hard to find in france.


I think, i will go with the CE210W and is incorparated USB 2 HUB.


PS: hood is optional with the Eizo and cost 200 euros !

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i went to a local shop to see some display sizes... i've finally order a LACIE 320, for my use

the 3/4 aspect ratio seems much better, and a reputable dealer told me that the lacie is much

neutral, while the Eizo can be use for both photo and video...

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Congrats dg! I know you didn't decide on the LaCie 320 because of my post, but you're going to be one happy photographer. If you've never used a higher end monitor before, you're going to see colors you've never seen on a monitor before, and the uniformity, sharpness, wow! I hope you have a digital connection on your video card to get the most out of it. Congrats again!
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