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Looking to upgrade to an SLR from a Rebel

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I am looking to move to an SLR camera (using a Rebel now). I mainly shoot children (not professionally)

however, I am trying to do this on a more professional level. I was looking at the xti, 20d or 30d. I think

the lenses from my Rebel can be used on the bodies of the models I mentioned.


Does anyone have any advice or recommendations?





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I assume you're talking about changing from a film Rebel to a digital. Any of the Canon DSLRs will be able to use your lenses, but (with the exception of the 5D, which I think it's safe to assume is too expensive) the "crop factor" of the digital cameras will result in all of your current lenses having a narrower field of view than they have on your current camera.


I bought an XTi about a year ago, I've been very satisfied with it and I expect that you will too. Even though you already have lenses from your Rebel, I would advise getting the kit that includes the 18-55mm zoom lens with the camera as it will fill in the wide angle end that your current lenses won't be able to provide, and it adds very little to the cost.

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seconding Richards comments the kit 18-55 is nearly as wide as my 24mm and nearly as sharp. Actually I haven't done a "24mm on film VS 18 on digital" compare, but my feelings are that the 18-55 on DSLR will produce equal images.


for the bucks you can't beat it. You'll need it too, as the 1.6x smaller sensor of your digital will make your lenses too telephoto if you like wide



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Make sure you get the newer 18-55/3.5-5.6 IS lens. Most kits currently come with the 18-55/3.5-5.6 non-IS. The new lens is much much better (not just in having IS it is significantly sharper). Probably worth foregoing the kit and buying the body and lens separately.


Adorama has some great specials on refurbished XTis.

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Thanks again for your responses..one more question..does anyone recommend me getting the Canon 40D? ANd would I need a better lens then the 18-55/3.5-5.6 IS? I definitely have outgrown my Rebel 2000 and would like to get into more artistic photography as well as portraits.


WOuld you recommend renting any of the models before purchasing?



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