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Beseler 45 MXT With 45S Color Head

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I purchased an old Beseler 45MXT with a 45S Color head. The enlarger came

with a heavy, square 6x6 box. Based on the appearance, it appeared to be a


I don't know what it is used for and how to connect it to the system.

Any advice on this would be helpful to me.

One more question: The color head used a 82V light bulb. If I plug it

directly to the household 120V line, will I damage the bulb?



Hoan Tran

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The large box is probably a voltage regulator, takes in 120 volt line voltage (varying over time), and puts out a stable 82 volts (unchanging) for the light bulb. (It could be a "ferroresonant" transformer, if there's a capacitor in there as well it likely is.)


Having the voltage to the light bulb change from time to time is "double bad" with a color enlarger, since it screws up both the exposure and the color balance.


More modern enlargers use low voltage light bulbs (say 12 volts), and a solid state voltage regulator.

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The 45S colorhead came with a built in stabilized power supply to transform and regulate the 120 volts AC to the 82 Volts needed for the bulb. I have no idea what the former owner used the outboard device for, but it is not normally needed to correctly run the head.


If there were any markings you could Google or post here, maybe a better idea of what it was could be had. But, unless the former owner modified the head, you have a large paperweight.

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