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Robert, you have been a member since Dec. 2006 and you have offered a total of 29 comments on other peoples work.You have rated 247 images. You have asked for critique on 65 images and received 460 ratings. So far you have gotten back much more than you have put out. If you are not interested in offering of yourself, it is not likely that other members are going to rush over to your page and offer up critique just because you ask for it.
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Your opinion is no more or less meaningful than mine or anyone else's. My own observation has been that, if you want comments you are going to have to give comments.It does not have to be a highly involved analysis of the technical merits of the image, a straight up honest reaction to some ones else's work is almost always warmly received. I think it is sufficient to just let people know that someone is actually out there looking at their work and giving it some consideration, when they ask for critique. I for one can get discouraged when I ask for critique and get none. I think giving it a shot is a wonderful idea. I suspect that you will find that rather than people asking for your credentials, they will be grateful that you noticed their photo and took some time to leave behind your impressions. I know I was quite happy to notice that you had taken the time to leave behind a comment on one of my photos today and I will most certainly get over to your portfolio and leave behind my completely unqualified opinions on your images :)


I also think it is a terrific learning experience to critique other peoples work it helps you to see your own photos in a clearer fashion and spending time in the critique forum is a great way to get exposure to new ideas and techniques.

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What I have started suggesting to people is to actually write something about what they were trying for with the image when requesting critique. I'm really tired of seeing "comments welcome" and "thanks for looking". If you can't take the time to explain why you like this image and what you were trying to do when you took it, why should anyone take the time to give you any feedback?


This isn't directed at you specifically Robert. Just sort of a general comment about requesting critique.

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Couldn't hurt to try your suggestion Josh...and I will. (now the big "but") But if the photograph itself doesn't draw someone to view...I have my doubts as to any additional comments this might garner. I think it would be very interesting to hear more of this type of information...so for that reason alone, I would welcome your suggestion. I wouldn't go so far as to say that if we don't offer such info then the photo doesn't deserve comment...as you suggested. I recently attended a Weston exhibit and I don't think Edward left any explanation as to what he was attempting to achieve with his work...but their were a hell of a lot of comments being made. (And...I'll save someone the time - yes, I realize that most of us don't produce the caliber of work, nor the drawing power of Weston. Steiglitz...maybe ;)
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<i>"I recently attended a Weston exhibit and I don't think Edward left any explanation as to what he was attempting to achieve with his work."</i>


Weston also wasn't trying to get people to give him critique at that exhibition. The first thing I do when having a conversation with someone who wants my critique is to ask them why they took the image and what they think is good and bad.

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Josh, is there any difference in the count of Views, between patrons and guests? I don't understand the "chasm", between of my first uploads and them after i became a patron. As guest I had thousands of views, but after,as patron, I had and I still have only few tens or hundreds of views. Are these last (about two hundreds) of my photos worse, or there is another explanation? Thanks.
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