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Going Electronic??


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At this stage, newbies, my business partner and I have "decided" that we're

going to give electronic images instead of proof books or albums. We'll do

prints and albums, but ala cart. So our wedding packages are basic with a

basic number of e-images...portrait sessions and the like....all prices are

averaging around $10.00 an image. We know that larger bundles of cash could be

available through the print business. But we're exhausted in trying to express

our former tiered pricing system for packages and why the "value" or our prints

claims a price that is far from WalMart and Wolf's.


This has been brought up a few times, but there have been many new people

joining up and I was wondering how they are setting their packages and printing

prices in this new electronic world.


We thought we'd return to printing-based pricing when we have more time and a

reputation that brings in the business to make it worthwhile.



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I use the term "images" in my packages to describe art renditions of photographs taken and photo to refer to the basic shot. In packages I just refer to them as photos or images on an CD. I used "electronic" here to open a discussion about what our debate of the content of the final packages.


I agree with the value of touching, pointing, rearranging the images of a traditional proof prints. But, we are offing high resolution photos on a CD that they can take any where. Would there still be the need for proof images if they have no need to come back to us either for reprints or album development?

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