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dark prints from Epson 3800

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Shots from my Nikon D200 are printing too dark on my Epson.


The histogram on both the camera and on the computer in Lightroom look normal

but print is dark. Image on camera and computer look normal.

D200 is exposing correctly according to my Sekonic meter and sunny 16 rule.

I have to apply 1/2 to 2/3 stop more exposure in Lightroom. At that point the

print looks good while the histogram is piled up on the right. Image on computer

screen also looks too light.


I have the printer management "off".


This is not a sometimes thing...it happens on every shot.

Any thoughts?


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There's a known and somewhat well discussed problem with the 3800 (and some other Epson printers) generating dark prints from Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom. See http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2007/06/printing_in_cs3.html for a heated discussion. Google on "3800 photoshop printing dark" for many more discussions- some right here on photo.net


After fighting this problem for 6 months I switched to third party printing software (QImage) and have had no further issues

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before changing for third party printing software


before changing your ink companie


before many solution that sometime just quick fix the real problem....


let us know what you are printing onto, what ink you use, what profile you use, and if your monitor is calibrated with a device. Than see if you are using the rigth method to print, then will talk about others solution : )


Oh by the way, the link Robert provide is just another link where people blame there printer, adobe, or anything else (not all of them) for there ignorance about color management in majority...dont be like them.

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To be perfectly fair, I know a fine art photographer in California that gets several hundred

dollars apiece for his 3800 prints. Some are even more expensive, depending on size. He's

using his with Macs, and doing quite well at it. He also shoots a Fuji S3. I'm thinking that

there's a lot of operator error out there. ;o)

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