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"War Photographer" - The Movie


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I'm probably the last person who's seen this documentary, but I just viewed it

last week via Netflicks.


Loved it.


I understand that the vignettes of James Nachtwey were filmed in the late

1990's and early 2000, still, it was very informative, both as to his artistic

and technical abilities.


Some technical things I noted of interest:


He was using a late-model film-based Canon EOS (Wikipedia suggests he uses

both digi and film Canons now), but used a handheld light meter exclusively,

in incident mode, and kept the camera in manual mode, adjusting the shutter/f-

stop according to the meter reading. This was evident from the view of the

micro video camera setup, which clearly showed the LCD control panel on the

top right of the Canon body.


He likes to get close. As the opening quote from Robert Capa suggested. And it

looked like he carries 2 camera bodies, with one lens each, and typically

keeps the spare lenses in the car or means of conveyance - at least in the

Kosovo vignette that was his method.


This was a great documentary for anyone interested in the genre, and very

encouraging; I high recommend it to the few left who, like me, had not seen it.



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Yeah, it's a good documentary. I was impressed with how he deals with people. It's awkward sticking a camera in the face of someone who's just suffered a great loss, but he manages to be graceful about it. He talks about this in the film, too.



Scot Steele

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I have to see this movie yet Joe but saw Stanley Kubrick's "Full metal jacket" yesterday on tv here. Beside all the sadness of war I wondered a bit about the shiny Nikon's and lenses the war press photographers used in the field. I imagined them to tape/paint the cameras and lenses black, they looked like perfect targets with the 2 blank bodies?
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Markus, the Viet Cong and NVA were not keen on shooting up photographers. Most photographers and reporters that got killed in Vietnam stepped on booby traps while on patrol with the troops (Dickey Chapelle etc) or were shot down in choppers (Larry Burrows etc.) This was not the case in Cambodia how ever, the Kmer Rouge captured and killed just about any foriegner no matter what they were doing in Cambodia.
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It's one of the best documentaries I've watched, and I've watched a lot. If you like War Photographer, check out "Ron Haviv - Freelancing in a World at Risk" and "Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids".


As for his gear, I think Nachtwey was using a couple EOS 1N, 17-35mm 2.8L and 50mm 1.4 for "War Photographer". Unfortunately with the need to send photos fast over the wire most photojournalists have to move onto digital.

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