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Several Questions... =)


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Greetings, all.

<p />

I recently picked up a box full of cameras at an auction for the bargain price

of $5. They aren't in the greatest of condition, but I was pretty pleased with

the purchase. I just wanted to share a couple photos and ask a few questions.

<p />

Here's a few of the cameras:

<p />

<b>Anscoflex II:</b>

<br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0004.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0007.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0009.JPG" />

<p />

<b>Argus C3:</b>

<br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0012.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0015.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0016.JPG" />

<p />

<b>Acro Model R:</b>

<br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0026.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0031.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0035.JPG" />

<p />

The Anscoflex II seems to function fine. It was worth the $5 if nothing else in

the box was, I think. The glass is pretty free of scratches and whatnot, the

shutter fires and the film advance works. The two filters also seem to function

properly. The neck strap is pretty grungy, though. I'm not sure if the flash

works, but it seems in good condition other than it's missing a screw or

something that holds the reflector onto the handle. I also got quite a few

flash bulbs with it.

<p />

The Argus C3 seems to be in decent aesthetic shape for its age (somewhere from

1939-57 from what I can figure). The shutter fires with no difficulty. It's

got a very musty smell to it, though, and there may be fungus on the rear

element. The leather case is in pretty good condition also, but again smells

musty. There is a major issue with the rangefinder dial, though. The cog

between the dial and the lens is very corroded/dirty and the dial won't budge at

all. Is there an easy fix for this, like some WD40 to loosen it up? Also, I'm

afraid the take-up spool may be corroded/locked up. I know these things are a

dime a dozen... is it worth trying to fix it up?

<p />

I can't find much information at all on the Acro Model R. It's pretty fouled

up, though. Very dirty, musty, and I can't seem to get the shutter to fire.

The focus ring also won't turn. Is this worth hanging on to, or should I trash it?

<p />

Finally, there's this:

<p />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0003.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0021.JPG" /><br />

<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~sdsalyer/cameras/cameras0025.JPG" />

<p />

The 620 film is from the Anscoflex II. I'm not sure what the counter was on,

but there were several shots unexposed I think. The 35mm roll was in the Argus

C3, and if there was anything on it, I probably ruined it when I opened the

back. The other film pictured is all still in unopened boxes. The expiration

dates range from 1950 to 1954. So, I have two questions here. Firstly, should

I send the exposed rolls to a professional place like Film Rescue, or see if

some place can do it locally? Secondly, would the unopened film be considered

rare/collectible or would it be alright to shoot with it and see if it turns out

(what are the chances of that?)?

<p />

Also in the $5 bargain box were a couple of Polaroids, a couple of Kodak

Instamatics, and a strange looking Kodak XL33 movie camera, which may also have

film in it -- I don't have a clue what to do about that one.

<p />

I'd like to hang on to the Anscoflex II for sure. It's such a neat little

camera. 620 film seems to be about $10 a roll at B&H, though. I'm positive my

local Ritz doesn't carry anything other than a few rolls of 35mm. They have to

send out for 2 weeks to process B&W film. It's sad what a hassle it is dealing

with film these days. So, as an aside, can anyone recommend a good mail-order

lab for modern film developing that could handle 620 film and B&W and color

slide 35mm film?

<p />

Sorry for such a long post. :) Thanks for taking the time to read it. All the

photos were taken in a home-made light tent. I didn't bother to process them

other than batch resizing, though.

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Five bucks??? Holy crap Batman!!! Your Argus C3 looks like it may well be pre war. I have one that has the coated Cintar lens on it (post war). Mine also had the company logo on the lower right corner (facing forward, late '40's).

Quite the find indeed. Rick Oleson has been kind enough to post instructions on how to get inside and fix a C3. The cap on the idler gear of the rangefinder unscrews (right hand thread). I redid mine with no major problems. The instructions were great. Here's the link. You may have to dig through the site, but it's well worth it.


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Thanks for the responses. :) This Argus is the first rangefinder I've ever had my hands on, so I'm not 100% familiar with them. The lever is definitely silver and the rangefinder window is divided... the top half is clear and the bottom half is blue (almost aqua/teal sort of color). I've read these were made with several different sets of shutter speeds... this one seems to have 7 and they all appear to work just from guesstimating (you can hear it whirring when it's set to 1/10th).


Thanks for the link, also. There seems to be several different guides for repairing/cleaning the C3's. It's definitely a lot less complicated than the Minolta SRT I took apart (and couldn't get back together!), but I'm still afraid of screwing it up.


Anyone have info on the Acro Model R?


Thanks again. :)

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A real bargain. I just paid nearly $10 for a similar C3 by itself.


Seriously, while probably not worth professional repair, there are scads of sites with repair directions for the C3--just google a little.


The others and the film are just lagniappe.

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