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Medium format film and prints.


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I am in the Pitts. Pa. area. There us nothing here in this area. It will have to be mail order. I am looking for a lab that does quality work for medium format color film and prints in the north eastern usa or the south eastern usa. I do not want digital. Thanks again. Gus.
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Hi Roger. When you say "no digital" does that mean that you want a print from your cut film using an optical enlarger? Very few labs print using that system today. I scan (digitize) all of the film that I shoot and have it printed using either VBE Chromira or Lambda Lightjet printers. Both of these print on photographic papers and develop in chemistry. The results are far better than anything that I was able to produce using the old analoge optical enlarger technique. <br><br>

I heartily recommend <a href="http://www.merrilldavid.com" >Merrill David Inc</a> in Cleveland, Ohio for film development, both E6 and C41. They do a really great job with all of my 120 rolls; I have <b>never</b> had a problem with them. They also supply printing services choices using either a Chromira or a Frontier printer. You may scan your film yourself and FTP the file to them or they will scan and print your film. Regards.

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<b>Robert</b>, Merrill David's web page does not show that service but, believe me, they have it and do a <i>really</i> great job. They run the process mostly for their own work. Today, I had 10 rolls of 120 and 5 sheets of 4x5 (all E6) processed by them. They charge $9.00 a roll for 120 and $2.75 a sheet for the 4x5. I know this is not cheap but, for me, it works very well since they are near to me. I suggest that if anyone is interested in using Merrill David that they should call them and discuss what they need to have done. Allow me to say again that they have always done an exceptionally fine job for me. Regards.
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I strongly recommend PixPoint in New York. They'll work with you and do mail order, and

they only do color film processing and analog prints. They do some pretty high-end work,

but their prices are competitive with (often lower than) Duggal, and the customer service is

much better. THey deal with a lot of big fashion and commercial guys in the city, but they

have none of the attitude of the larger labs and treat you well even if you're not a big



I have no connection to the company, in fact I haven't been in there in a while, but when I

was shooting color it's the only place I trusted. It's at 164 W.25th st in NYC.

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I can personally speak for <a href="http://chromatics.com/">Chromatics in Nashville</a>. They do fine work. Anything that <a href="http://durys.com/store/7_bluedream/images/lab_prices.jpg"> Dury's</a> sends out goes there which is funny cause they are across the street from each other. I think Dury's does mail order too but I am not positive. They are a little cheaper too. I plan to try out <a href="http://www.dwaynesphoto.com/index.html"> Dewaynes in Kansas</a> at some point. They seem to deal mainly in mail order. They are the only certified lab in the US that does Kodachrome. Their prices are really good on 120 film and I have read that they do a good job.


<a href="http://www.acecam.com/lsb5ndex.html#Pennsylvania">Here</a> is a supposed list from Pennsylvania.

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