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Leica vs. Rollei?!

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If you want slides, take the Leica; if you want prints, take the Rollei.


P.S. If you haven't used a rangefinder before, you should take the Rollei. Rangefinders are hard to get accustomed to; I wouldn't take one along on an important trip if I hadn't used it a LOT.


P.P.S. For action shots, nothing beats an SLR.

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I traveled im Europe for about a month with a Rolleiflex 2.8D plus a tiny Minox GT for 35mm photos. The combination of having a medium format camera plus a 35mm camera with a sharplens proved to be optimal for my photography/traveling needs. A small camera bag can easily hold these two fine cameras.
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A Rolleiflex has always been my travel vacation camera. I can carry it in a small bag with

meter and accessories all day long and not get a sore shoulder or even notice it. Since you

have already worked with a TLR then you should know whether you are frustrated by it or

not. The only problem I have is that when traveling you often wish for a longer focal

length. But it is what it is and everything has a downside. If I tried to travel with an M3

(which I used to have) I would be forever saying to myself how I wish I had a bigger

camera. But out of left field another suggestion if you like range finders, the Mamiya 6 or

7 with couple lenses should be about the same price as an M3 with a couple lenses. That

might be the best of all worlds for you.

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Instead of a Rolleiflex, consider carrying a Rolleicord Vb instead. At f8, the pics are just as good as the Rolleiflex f2.8, it lighter in weight and easier/faster in use (thanks to the inbuilt EV dial).


I travelled extensively throughout Europe with my Vb and a Nikon SLR a few years ago. I had more keepers (95%) with the Vb than with the 35mm SLR.

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