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Lightroom 'Web' Module

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I have some questions regarding Lightroom.


1. In the Web module when publishing the pictures on web do i select pictures

where my RAW's are stored ( does LR automatically convert RAW -> JPEG while

uploading?) or do i select the pictures which i have converted to JPEG's?


2.Is it possible to upload additional pictures in LR in an exsisting web



Thanks for all your help



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Inside LR, there are only images. Where they came from (raw, JPEG, whatever) doesn't

matter, and they can go out in the format in which they are needed (e.g., as JPEG for the

web, PSD for Photoshop). So, the answer to your first question is that you just select what

you want, and LR will convert everything to JPEG, since that's what the web mainly wants

for photos. (I have gone for weeks with LR, printing in PS, uploading to the web, etc.,

without ever explicitly creating a JPEG.)


The upload is of what you are seeing on your screen. So, you add photos to the gallery,

and then you upload. I'm not sure how efficient LR is in terms of not sending what has

already been sent... I just press the button and then sometime later it's done.



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