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Is this camera choice valid?


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<b> <FONT COLOR="red"> Not one of your �what kind of camera to buy

questions�.</FONT> </b>




Much of my youth was misspent doing photography; sometimes they even

paid me. I still have a collection of cameras from the era. Three

Nikons, a couple of Minoltas, a Leica RF system, Rolleiflex, Mamiya

TLR and Universal systems, Hasselblad system, and my, beloved, 8x10

Deardorff. I have backpacked some of these for weeks [Linhof and

Deardorff are examples]. I am getting too old for that.




I haven�t done any photography for the past 15 years and I haven�t

kept up. I don�t need suggestions on lenses; I am fine there. It is

4x5 bodies. I have read a lot of information. The one that seems the

best for me is the Wisner Pocket Expedition [fully geared] <A

HREF="http://www.wisner.com/Page11.html"> Pocket Expedition</A>




Do you have any comments, either pro or con, on this choice. I will be

doing mostly backcountry photography.





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I own a Wisner Pocket Expedition 4x5 and have found it to be quite

good. As I have used the Wisner Tech field for 10 years I had some

standard against which to weigh the pocket camera. I use lenses from

72mm to 450 and so far i have little problems using any of the lenses

on the camera. I did purchase the bag bellows, however. The camera is

as sturdy as the "regular " Technical Field, and the geared tilts

front and back, the geared rise/fall and the newly designed front

lateral and swing movements are definite improvements over the other

camera. It may take you a little time to get used to opening and

setting up the camera. This is the sole complaint I read about the

camera. I experienced a little problem, but a phone call to Ron

Wisner, following his instructions over the phone and then practicing

once or twice and now it is natural. One word of caution: Wisner

takes more time to make and mail the camera than his salespeople

claim. Be prepared for some wait--at least as of last year. But I

think the wait was worth it.


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Thanks Bob:




<b> <FONT COLOR="green"> The camera is as sturdy as the "regular "

Technical Field,</FONT> </b>




This was a major concern since I have never seen one. I am presently

out of the country and I should sign-off before I break my host

[connect time is no so cheap in some places].




Once again thanks.




Best wishes,,,,,,

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You may want to try the field camera of

your choice in person before purchasing. If

its not possible, be sure you can return it. I

only say this because after hearing such

rave revues about Wisner cameras, I went

to purchase the Expedition. For me, I didn't

like it at all. All those knobs, all doing

different things. Front standard working so

different from the back. The salesperson

had a heck of a time trying to fold it up. I

was very surprized to see part of the rear

standard frame was loose. I'm not knocking

this company, it just wasn't the camera for


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