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Hello - new "patron" ;) in presentation !


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I'm a french environementalist photographer, member for a few months of

photo.net, btu this year i've decided to suscribe and become member (patron)

because i'm learning a lot in photography here, the most in landscapes, than i

want to go far with the forum and its members.


The only problem is that i'm not speaking and writing english very well, and

that's the reason why i'm not very active but i'm triying to change this

learning english to !


A peace of my photos are here :




and others in my website wich will soon be changed :




I'm glad to visit more your photos, and give comments :) !


Frendly, regards, Cedric.

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Cedric, thank you for the introduction and for pointing us to your portfolio. You have some fantastic photographs there.


I am interested in knowing more about what you me by being an "environmentalist photographer".


Your English is doing ok, and I am sure you will learn more by writing here. Here is a quick lesson on one bit - you said "A peace of my photos are here" - the expression we would use in English is "A few of my photos are here" :)


I look forward to seeing more of your work.



Brighton UK

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I think that is the reason most of us joined -- we received value from other members and want to continue learning, teaching, and exhibiting our photographs.


I have enjoyed looking through your portfolio very much. You have a style which is unique -- actually two styles. One very delicate and the other quite bold.


Do not be concerned about your English. I wish my French were as good as your English. Most people understand that photo.net is international and will be able to workout any language problelms. Welcome aboard. Bill

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Thank you very much for your interest (and english lesson ;) ) !


By environementalist photographer, i want to say that i'm creating photographic projects which are able to touch the public and instructing them of ecological problems.


For example, i've a personnal exhibition which is named "Roc Y Agua", 20 photos in black and white, in order from the blakest to the whitest, and the exhibition autorise me talking about oxygen in water and eutrophisation, problem which begans after the second world war and the rationalisation of the agricol production to feed the french population, and the "Marshall plan".


My idea is to begin with an historical purpose to go to an ecological purpose. In fact, in 1945, the Marshall plan and this rationalisation of the production has saved a big part of the french people.


But what was necessary, obligatory, in 1945, is today an ecological catastroph, because of the eutrophisation of all the lakes and rivers in France.


It's a bit difficult to explain all of it in english, i'm sorry ...


This part of my global project is to use photographic tools to demonstrate ecological problems and sensibilyze people, in fact.


Thank you again, regards, Cedric.

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Hi Cedric, Your pictures are amazing! I think I could learn a lot from you and your portfolio. I

wouldn't worry too much about your English. You sound very thoughtful and inciteful and

that to me is more important then gramer. Gramer will come with practice. Thanks for

sharing - Lex

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Cedric, that's fantastic what you are doing. The reason I enquired further was because I'm an environmental scientist, currently in the final parts of finishing my PhD corrections, and am working on a way to combine my love of photography with my interest in issues related to contaminated land. I'm currently working on a series of photographs concerning reclamation and development of "brownfield" sites and contrasting this with the destruction of "greenfield" sites through development. I live in the over-crowded south-east of England where there are strong pressures to accommodate more and more people with a greater threat to the remaining green spaces between some settlements.


Reading what you said has inspired me to get moving with it!


Thanks again.



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Hello Cedric.


As far as correct grammar is concerned I would question Pete's version 'A few of my photos are here'. Should it be 'Here are a few of my photos'? In reality, I left school in 1965 without any qualifications in English and can only remember a few words of French. So don't worry about your English.


Totally agree with you concerning problems with rivers, etc. In the UK we have, recently, greatly improved the condition of most waterways. The chief concern now is overuse of nitrates and algal blooms. Also agree about the Marshall Plan (can't help thinking that if something similar was created in 1918 history could have been totally different).


Then we have the European Union. A brilliant idea for reconstructing a devastated continent and rapidly creating conditions where the population could feed itself. But the Organisation has failed to reformulate itself! But, beware of a situation where environmentalists have too much power and lack sensibilities then lose the common touch.


So what are my qualifications to speak on these subjects? Live in the UK 'deep south' near Plymouth. Have been a full time commercial fisherman for 35 years. Take photos of the fishing industry and other maritime subjects including wildlife. Have been recording the macro wildlife of my small coastal garden but will need better equipment and greater knowledge to reach your standards.


Anyhow, welcome and I hope we will be hearing a lot more from you soon.



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Thank you very much for your words ;) ! Pete, your work seems to be in perfect accordance with my plastician and poetics theorys about the relationship between photography and environment, i hope we will exchange more on this, 'cause i'm also always searching new ideas to develop.


Best regards to you too, Geoff, i need again a piece of time to translate your answer, i'm talking english like a frogg ;) ...

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