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Leica M8 - DNG - HELP!


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I received my M8 few days ago and have a question on the DNG format: when I

transfer the pictures taken in DNG format to my computer, the size of the

pictures is very small (320 by 240). But when I use JPEG format, i get the

large size on my computer.


I would appreciate your help on this.





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On the leica M8, when I set DNG format, it is automatically 10 MP format. Then I plug the camera on my computer and use the wizard to export the pictures. the pictures taken with DNG have a very small dimension as I mentioned above but their size is 10MP. The funny thing is that when I copy them on the capture one program, they become dimension 3936 X 2624 . I am not sure why...

actually how do I export my pictures directly to the capture one program? Second question: when I am in capture one program, how do I change a DNG formated picture to JPEG picture?


Thank you very much for your help,



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"use the wizard to export the pictures. the pictures taken with DNG have a very small dimension as I mentioned above but their size is 10MP"




It sounds like you are importing the DNG file into your computer correctly.


Whatever program you are using to initially view the images cannot read the DNG files.


The Capture One program can read the DNG files directly and gives you the correct image size.


Most people use a card reader to import the images to a specific folder. Once the files are loaded, they then use their imaging program to view them.


You can change a DNG formatted picture to a JPEG by using a Save As or Save to Web command.

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I believe what you're seeing is the jpg thumbnail that's embedded into the dng file by the camera. This enables software that doesn't read or understand dng, such as Windows Explorer, to display the image so you can see what it is. Once you open that dng file in a program that can read it, such as Capture One, then the full 10MP file is displayed.


<p>I've never used an M8 so I could be wrong, but this is the way my Canon 1D RAW files work. Importing and viewing them using Windows, I can only see a little 288x192 pixel thumbnail although the RAW file itself is a full 3.0MB. Once I open the same files in Canon's DPP software, however, they are full 2464x1648 pixels.</p>

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Arie, my advice is not to use JPG on your M8. It sucks compared with JPG on Canon DSLRs. If you have to use JPG then don't use auto WB. Set the WB yourself.


Use RAW (DNG), get a card reader and just drag your files onto your computer. Open in Capture One (provided with the M8), adjust and then you can save as a JPG in a range of sizes (without, of course loss of your DNG files). I think this camera is capable of amazing quality but one really has to get to grips with Capture One (or if you haven't got that, one of the other DNG processors. Even Google's Picasa can adjust DNGs, I've just discovered!).

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Thank you all for your answers, I have a lot to learn about the "computer" side of the M8....


What I can say about my experience so far is that the resulting pictures are very clean on my computer (my wife and father noted that the pictures look very good)....


I also enjoy the aperture priority mode and the possibility to lock the exposure...to me it is much faster than my M6...


The auto white balance is very poor, I have to select my setting myself (mainly daylight and tungsten).


I also put the auto review option Off, so that I am not chimping all the time, it is a useful option to feel like I am using a leica.


In conclusion, I am satisfied with my experience so far with this camera.


Is there any thing to look for that could be an issue?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Arie,


Bit late, but not last... at least :)


To process the pictures, I first transfer them from my lovely M8 to the computer through a card reader. Costs almost nothing to compare with M8' price. Very smart process ! Can't understand why this is not made easier, than to take off the SD card from the camera. But I also think it's rather better than to go into the firmware from the computer. Very understandable, at least, for security reasons.


I have tried Capture One LE and Pro, Adobe Camera Raw, SilverFast, Lightroom. In my opinion, the algoryhtms are better on Capture One, due to details in highlights and shadows. The easiest and fastest program is definitely Adoba Camera Raw, but not the best, INMHO, I insist :)


I always shoot in auto white balance, then find the right temperature (in ACR). One way (mine, if profile of the pic allows it...) to get the right balance : maximize the saturation, find originally grey areas by changing temperature, put back the saturation at the inital level.


Regarding thumbnails, I installed this little program : http://sourceforge.net/projects/cornerfix/

Bit difficult to install and manipulate, but efficient since I get DNG thumbnails in WinExplorer.


I record a jpg file from DNG, only for sending samples to friends, for example...


Have a good time with your M8.

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