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Observation About Top Rated Photos


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I do not object to nude photos and am glad they are on photo.net, BUT, liking to look at nude pictures and saying only those are the highest rated pictures when look at all time highest rated pictures is different.


Aren't there other pictures in other categories that are at least equal in rating and should be better represented in the top rated list or are nude pictures really the highest caliber or do they get a higher rating because people like to look at them and rate them on that.

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<i>"do they get a higher rating because people like to look at them and rate them on that."</i>




Is also depends on what criteria you set for your search. All/All/average brings up a whole different set of images than all/all/rate-recent-average.

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How else would you expect people to rate? They rate images they like to look at higher than those they don't like to look at, and they look at pictures they like to look at more than pictures they don't like to look at.


The ratings are simply a popularity contest, nothing more.

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With some thought given to the critiquing and rating section of this site, I believe

your expectations could slowly be changed and other meaningful criteria good be used

when assessing photos. There are those of us who rate not based

solely on what we like, but on what we think achieves the goals of the photographer, how

well it stands in relationship to the rest of his/her portfolio, whether it shows technical

proficiency, and various other factors. I don't particularly "like" insect

photos. Nevertheless, I know a good insect photo when I see one and can rate accordingly,

regardless of my liking the subject.


If there were more substantive and educational discussions of critiquing, maybe the pnet

population would learn that rating and critiquing doesn't have to be a popularity contest.

There just has to be the will, especially among the population but also among its leaders


moderators, to create a more meaningful rating system and critiquing mechanism. If this

is to be a site that really fosters learning, the best tool to begin with is helping people not

only how to create a photograph but how look at one as well.


To do my part, I plan on starting a thread -- don't have time right now -- on what makes


good critique and what the differences are among acknowledging, appreciating, being

pleased by, being moved by, and liking a


We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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I look forward to such a thread. Critiquing is an acquired skill like any other. Some guidance for participants as well as a real effort by the moderators to cultivate an environment that encourages something other than a popularity contest would go a long way to making this place actually educational.
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"naked women and furry animals! :)" ..... Dam, better not comment as to what type of furry animals. Dam dam dam ...


I agree that ratings should not be bassed purely on popularity, but on the quality of the picture. A picture of a rock may not be as nice to look at as a nude, but may be much better photography

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Why not besides having a way you can rate like is done now, have as an option a separate rating which is just solely how you like the picture from 1 to 7 and you can pick which one you want. Then critical reviews may be more than just popularity and those who want to vote on popularity can do so and those who want to rate it critically can do likewise.
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In the short time I've been here many good ideas and " fixes" have been put forward, but lets face it, when a moderator is of the opinion " The ratings are simply a popularity contest, nothing more. " it stand to reason not much is going to change.
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I agree. But I think not only the administrators but we as users of the site are also

to blame. I did start another thread specifically about critiquing. I think we can bypass the

administrators and institute our own ideas about critiquing. We may consider starting

critiquing groups or really coming up with ways to state our requests so that people know

how to critique us. I value both your photography and a lot of what you have to say, and

think that you could add a lot to the conversation. The administration has given us the

shell of a critiquing site, not much more. But there's nothing stopping us as users from

trying to fill in all the gaps. Perhaps a group of us could put something in our bios about

what kinds of critiques we are after and what kinds of critiques we are interested in giving.

I don't want to throw too much out there as I want the other thread to garner as many

fresh ideas, not just mine, as are out there. I do agree that the answers given by the

administrators show mostly a lack of interest and that is unfortunate but also somewhat

understandable given the many tasks they perform and the many repeated requests they


We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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I got around to looking at this thread well after you had launched your new one, so I'll keep the ideas over there. I just thought it was a tad lame for the guys running the joint to be leaving the most defeatist comments on this thread but hey DIY works for me.
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<P>One of the (many) nice things about this site is that the administrators and moderators are not forever telling the users what to do and what not to do. One of the by products of this is that people tend to rate and critique pictures for their own largely uneducated reasons. And so overall the ratings could be regarded as little different from a popularity contest. This does not please everybody but at least it's (kind of) democratic.</P><P>And I prefer it to some hypothetical systems I could think of, where quality criteria are defined by a committee and pictures are marked down for lack of sharpness, blocked up shadows, unstraight horizons, even number of flowers, etc., etc.</P>
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