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Mask for Ground glass when using Polariod 55

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This is what I would do, perhaps it might work for you as well?


Set up your camera and burn a sheet of your polaroid film. Remove the 545 holder.


Compare your developed image with what is still visible on the ground glass. Once you can pin-point the center of the image and where that center is on the ground glass (measure and write it down for a reference); you can mark it on the back of the ground glass in pencil.


This way you will know exactly where your polaroid will be on the ground glass for future shoots.


This is how I would do this, however, compared to most people, I think I tend to do things backwards...

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I wasted a sheet yesterday, looked through the front of the camera to see if I could see where the film ended and then measure it with a mini ruler, didn't work, the film reaches the edges but the edge markings on a polaroid, where there is an overlay, isn't visible. I think your suggestion might work Jeff but I think exact measurements would be more precise. Why doesn't polaroid do this?
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My #500 Polaroid film holder came with a transparent plastic sheet to tape over the GG (Gawd knows what happened to it). But there are several sources on eBay who sell similar things to use for roll film. I have bought afrom couple of them, then the nice people said that they'd be happy to print out any dimensions that I specified, since it's all computer generated. Suggest that you contact them. Sorry that I can't help you with the names.
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