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40D: Curious about custom function presets


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The dial on the top left of the 40D camera body has settings for custom function

presets 1 through 3. I get how do set these up in the menuing system. What I

don't understand is how you can select an exposure mode like AV if the dial is

turned to one of these settings. Or, if you want to use AV (or TV, or P) and

utilize custom function preset #2 (C-2), how do you do it>


The Canon rep, though friendly on the phone, was unable to help. The manual

doesn't answer it either.


Anyone gotten this far into the camera?

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The manual does answer it. it's page 165, though it could have been written a little more clearly.


You set the modes when in normal operation (e.g. when you are in Av mode). You don't set them with the dial turned to C1, C2 or C3.


Once set, they mimic the camera settings at the time they were set, though some functions can still be changed if you wish (like ISO etc.).

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Bob, so if I understand correctly, if the dial is set to "AV" when I'm creating Custom Set #2, then when I'm shooting with the dial turned to "C-2", the AV setting will be preserved? If so, that's pretty cool.


I did look at the manual, but it just wasn't clear about this aspect. I just assumed that only the settings from the custom functions menu options were stored, not the top-dial settings.



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You set the camera in normal mode to whatever you want (eg. C1 = "Sports" for me. 1/500,

Hi speed Drive, Auto ISO). Then select Menu -> Camera user setting (Third tab from left),

Select Register & then select the "Mode dial" you wish to store the above settings under (eg.

for me Mode dial : C1). Hey presto: Next time you select C1 - all your settings return!

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