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How do I get rid of the "register photoshop" start up notice?

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Have a new computer just for photoshop. I have registered the product with

Adobe and have it open using their secret code stuff.


Now every time I open it I get the screen prompt to register the program. I

have already done so both by phone and through the internet. How do I get the

screen prompt to stop opening?


I called Adobe and was informed that CS2 is not supported under warrenty even

though I bought it two weeks ago... per their tech guy I have to pay $40 for

him to answer a question because of this because I did not 1. buy it directly

from them and 2. it would only have 90 days warranty anyway and that would be

two years ago and not applicable now as CS3 is the current version. Per their

purchasing and tech folks before the purchase(Yes, I called) I could not

upgrade past CS2 because I was using Photoshop 7. If I wanted CS3 I would have

to buy the full version. I have been upgrading since Photoshop 4 and this

seemed stupid but I did upgrade to the CS2 anyhow.


Now I have had the program for two weeks and apparently no warranty or tech

support from Adobe, no thanks to the pre-purchase folks I talked with.



So, can anyone tell me how to keep the registration prompt from coming up on

opening? Will it ever go away?


Naturally Adobe blames Vista and HP. HP blames Adobe and Windows and Microsoft

blames the other two.

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Vista will keep doing this unless you used an original disk.


Vista was designed in a way that cuts down on pirating, other problems include telling you that you don't have administrator rights when installing off a copy.


ALso if you have an older copy of CS2 as It sounds like you do, you may encounter problems link:http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6169373.html



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Yes, it is a real program, duly registered with the jerks at Adobe... who have the serial number and secret code number all just fine. It is not pirated nor illegal and they accepted the registration info both over the internet and the phone just fine.


They keep telling me that Vista and/or HP is the problem. I have tried stopping the registration popup the ways suggested and no luck with getting rid of it yet.

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I have had problems getting a good install of Photoshop 7 and CS2 on Windows XP. I'm assuming that the product registeration notice comes up every time you open CS2.<br>Complete the registeration via the popup box. Turn any Fierwall off before clicking Send. Turn the firewall back on when the registeation process is complete. Fix-(does not occur on the next start)-Yes=done. No=continue.<br>Turn antivirus programs off. Open Add/Remove Programs in the control panel. Find Adobe CS2 and click on the Change Remove tab. In the installation wizard that comes up select Repair. When the repair completes close the control panel. Run Disk Cleanup found in the System Tools. (Start>all programs>accessories>system tools>disk cleanup). Reboot the computer. Reactivate the antivirus. Test CS2. <br>Problem still exists-consider reinstalling CS2. Turn antivirus off. Log on to the web, open CS2 and click on Help then on Transfer Activation and click on transfer activation to another computer. Log off the web and uninstall CS2. Manually open program files and delete the CS2 folder, it will be under Adobe. Run disk cleanup. Defragment the hard drive. Install CS2. Log on to the web and activate CS2. Click Do Not Register in the registeration box. Test the installation.<br>I have had to run the windows Search feature, search for CS2 and manually delete all CS2 files that came up with show hidden and system operating files selceted then reinstall to get rid of some help file problems that I was having.<br>Enjoy the pleasures of having to debug a new operating system on you own as no one has got a fix figured out yet. I looked through the 200 articles in the Windows Vista Basic knowledge base before this post and saw nothing related to the problem.<br>Charles
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<p>Darinifino. I've been using Elements 3 for nearly three years now. I went through their registration process when I first installed it, but the "Do you want to register?" box kept coming up. I tried registering again, and it didn't fix it. Ever since then, every time I start Elements, it asks if I want to register, I hit the Cancel button, and it lets me do my work.</p>


<p>The procedure Mr. Monday suggests may work for all I know, but isn't it ridiculous that you'd have to go through such extreme (and potentially hazardous) steps just to make a registration program work the way it's supposed to? If they're going to put registration features in programs (and I do understand why they do this), they really ought to make them work properly.</p>

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Just saw this on an Adobe forum, and it works on Vista. Right-click on the CS2 icon and choose "run as administrator." When CS2 opens, you will still get the pesky registration nag. Choose "do not register", then close CS2. On future re-openings (with normal double-click on the icon), there will be no registration nag.
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The solution of running CS2 in administrator mode worked for me as well...and thank you for posting the solution...no more annoying register pop-ups, (and it forced me to periodically re-activate my software). Disappointed that Adobe did not provide better customer service related to the post above that said Adobe did not have a solution and blamed HP and Vista.
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