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Have you tried the new (single sheet version) Kodak Readyload packets in Fuji Quickload holders?


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This past weekend forum member Miles Feigenbaum and i tried

using the new version of the Kodak Readyload films in a new

Fuji Quickload holder. The results were not good. Most times the

metal edge on the end of the packet caught as the packet was

most of the way out of the holder, hanging up the progress of the

film while the outer sleeve continued out smoothly. This resulted

in the film being fogged. We eventually traced the problem to the

shape of the ridge on the metal end clip. In the Fuji Quickload

packets the metal clip has a slight ramp leading up to the ridge.

this is not there on the Kodak end clip.<P> Has anyone else had

this problem? How do the Fuji Quickload packets work in the

new kodak Readyload holders?<P>p.s. While I realize that some

people will be prone to suggesting using standard double sided

instead of either the Quickload or Readyload system, please

refrain from doing so. While that is a legitimate subject, it should

be (and has been) a proper subject for it's own thread.

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Ellis, I won't be one of those you've asked to refrain, but am curious

why you're intent on putting new Readyloads in a Fuji holder. The

pressure plate on my new Kodak single sheet Readyload holder *finally*

has a depression to compensate for envelope thickness at the insertion

end, thereby keeping film in the correct plane. My Quickload holder

doesn't account for the envelope, and pushes Fuji films away from the

lens at the insertion end. Is the Kodak holder so much trouble to

carry that it's not worth doing so for much improved film positioning?

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To my surprise, I've had no recent problems with Fuji film in

either the old or the new Kodak holder, and no problems with the

new Kodak VS single-sheet in either the Fuji or Kodak holder

(old or new). I just came back from a trip where I exposed about

100 sheets of mixed Velvia and 100VS in the new Kodak

holder--and didn't have a single flare or light leak. There was a

little bit of a learning curve with the new Kodak holder--you really

have to hold that release button down tight, at least on mine,

when removing the film. It wasn't that critical on my old Kodak

holders, the film slid out after just a slight push on the button. It's

nice to have the Kodak option again--I could never get the

double-sheet stuff to work.

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Guess I could have done a better job of reading the question!

Although I've had no actual problems with Kodak single-sheet in

the Fuji holder, it doesn't FEEL as positive as any of the other

combinations. However, I've never been a big fan of the Fuji

holder; the film just doesn't seem to click-lock or release with the

same positive action as the Kodak, and the streamlined,

rounded design seems to jiggle around in the camera back.

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I have just returned a brand new fuji holder for a refund - bought

initially for use with Kodak TMX readyload. Neither I or the dealer

could get the packet to seat properly back in the clip and that led

to light leaks. Why didnt I just buy a Kodak.... ? They are not

available in the UK yet and I was assured that they work by Kodak,

Fuji and a very trustworthy dealer ! I am now waitng for a Kodak

holder from Badger in the US.

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Ellis: I've recently switched to an Arca, too, but my experience

with the Fuji holder was mostly with a Linhof MT 2000 and,

before that, with a Toyo 45AII. I'll have to dig out my Fuji holder

and check its fit...the Arca back does seem tighter. Still, I didn't

like the way the film--either Fuji or Kodak--locks and releases

inside my Fuji holder. Again, though, no leaks. Maybe I just got

used to the clunkier feel of the Kodak system...

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