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to shot or not to shot


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If it is too late to book another engagement on the same day, go with this woman, but don't even let her look at a single image until there is actual cash in hand. I have been burned a few times with being a nice guy. One doesn't have to NOT be a nice guy to be successful, but one doesn't have to be a sucker either.



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RUN, RUN AND RUN SOME MORE away from this wedding. It sounds as though she is going to complain about any and everything that goes wrong with this wedding, including the pictures you are going to take.

If you had a bad feeling about doing the wedding after talking to her about the money due, then walk away from it.

If she asks for her deposit back, tell her that since she did not want to abide by the terms of the contract she signed, you can not refund the money.

Richard B. California

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"tell her that since she did not want to abide by the terms of the contract"


Richard does not know what the remaining contract terms are and cannot know if this particular violation allows you to withdraw from your own performance. Refering to my previous commnets, he is telling you to go a head cross the street but he does not know if there is a car coming.

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