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D50 vs D80 shooting at ISO 800 @1600


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Without doing side-by-side tests, it would be difficult to say other than probably, but the difference would be so slight you probably wouldn't see it when you print your pictures.


The D40 would probably do a little bit better job (probably a more visible difference) for you but your lens will not focus on it.


Do you have a noise reduction program like Noise Ninja? Have you considered the 50mm 1.4 or the Sigma 30mm 1.4? A new lens may be your best way to go. Or a D3!

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with every successive generation of nikon dslr cameras, the noise reduction algorithims are tweaked and refined. the d50 came out before the d80, so the d80 will probably be a hair better than the d50, and the d40 a hair better than the d80.


i have a d80 and am loathe to shoot at 1600 ISO in low light, even witht he 50/1.8; the results are better at 800. supposedly the d300 is a quantum leap fwd in this regard. otherwise, though, the d80 is a great camera

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Elliot and Eric thank you for the feed back. I have considered the 50/1.4 but I really need a wider lens and considering the 35/2.0 (small group shots at church and family gatherings). I have looked at the Sigma 30/1.4 but I can not make myself go that route. Maybe it is me I just do not care for the pictures I have seen and other problems that seem to follow Sigma lenses JMO. I agree the D3/D300 technology is the future, but just being a hobbyist I can mot justify the cost and will need to wait a generation or two of new cameras to get the ISO quality they offer. I guess I will need to consider a noise reduction program.
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Tim, I have had bad experiences with 3rd party lenses in the past. After only buying Nikon glass for many years, I decided to try the Sigma 10-20. I was surprised how good the lens is. You may want to give the 30mm a try yourself before you pass judgment on it. You may find you like it (if you do buy it, make sure you purchase it from a store that accepts returns just in case...)
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Tim, I've seen many beautiful pictures made by Sigma 30mm 1.4, just give it a try at the shop who knows you might like it. At time I even think that it's better than the Nikon 50mm version. But I think it all mainly depends on the photographer.


About noise, D80 can still perform just fine at ISO1600. You will lose some details, but the noise level is still acceptable. If you want I can post some sample pictures. I set the noise reduction to low so that I can get more details.

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