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Why PN allows anonymous raters to rate photos? Why 3/3 raters don't comment their rates?


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indeed it was. i'll have to say that i'm quite impressed that the conversation wasn't deleted as i've seen it done in the past. regardless of how anyone feels about the issue, i believe that even the fiery exchanges can be helpful because that's the way life is. we don't need "sanitized" versions or total deletions. good talking with you Herma!
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must add... the funny thing is, that to a degree i agree with what Bruce said...just don't agree with his attitude toward "3" rated photos. there are many beginners that come here hoping to get advice and improve their skills. they also come here to enjoy time spent with their peers, regardless of skill level/experience. i believe we can be honest with people...even tell them in a polite way that their photo is a real "stinker"...but not speak of their work in a way that is belittling and discouraging to their efforts. i don't care who you are...there was a day when we all shot mostly "bad" photos. now...let's go look at each other's "mediocre" photos! :)
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  • 1 month later...

i am brand new to photo.net and the *ratings*. i've received a few 3/3 rates , although its

hard to take i find some truth in the rating . i say thank you to whatever crits or ratings i get

. sometimes the truth hurts i guess .

can someone answer this one question though... who ARE these anonymous raters anyway ?

seriously i am curious.

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  • 2 months later...

altough I also rated some pictures (mostly while backing up) it's mostly a futile task because, how do you rate a creative process? In reality you can't. The fact of the matter is, we all want a written feedback on our pictures whether it's positive or negative altough that should always go along with a factual argumentation. Point is that a lot of people don't know how to do that (or don't dare).

Don't get to excited about ratings because they don't tell you anything. Let's make a start an give honest and substantiated critiques on those pictures that you like or dislike and especcialy for those people who ask for help. I for one intend to...

Why don't you join me.....

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  • 3 months later...
Ton.... I totally agree - I do believe that when I have rated a picture I have given a responce to the reason for the 5 or the 6 or even the high 7. Perhaps PN should disallow anonymous rating's and when you do rate you "Have" to comment, and not just a "." or the like. - I love the feed back I get, if it's a critisim to why my picture sucked ...then it's about learning from others to become better & when you do get a 6 or a 7 - you know you are on the right track.....my 2 cents. :) Cheers Mike
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  • 1 year later...

<p>Rumen, *all* photo.net members may choose to use the anonymous ratings system to rate the photos of other members who have submitted their photos for ratings. To rate photos a person must be registered with photo.net and be logged in.</p>

<p>You may rate photos anonymously via the <a href="../gallery/photocritique?rating_type=photocritique&topic_id=1481&recent=4"><strong>Rate Photos queue</strong> </a> . You may also add comments or written critiques using this option.</p>

<p>If you prefer to have ratings attributed to your name so that others will see that you have rated their photos, you would instead use the <a href="../gallery/photocritique?rating_type=photocritique&topic_id=1481&recent=4"><strong>Critique Forum queue</strong> </a> . Keep in mind that not all photo.net members who submit their photos for critiques via this option want numerical ratings. Some will have disabled numerical ratings because they prefer written critiques.</p>

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