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Zeiss ZK lenses v SMC limited


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Has anyone out there used a new ZK lens? Are they even available yet in any



I've only ever used Pentax lenses, but I'm sorely tempted by the 28mm f2

Distagon. I've been keeping a lookout for an SMC K, M or A 28mm f2, but

nothing has appeared on ebay. The other option for a fast wide angle is a new

31mm 1.8 limited. The results I've seen from this lens seem excellent, but my

main concern (other than the price, which presumably will be astronomical for

the Zeiss, too) is how it feels in manual focus. I find myself using my MZ-5n

less and less these days in favour of my MX. What do people think of the 31mm

limited as a manual focus lens? Does it have a better feel than the 43mm

limited, which is a little 'loose' for my liking when compared with manual

lenses (though better than other FA lenses)?


Finally, anyone need to get rid of a mint SMC K 28mm f2, preferably in the

London area? That would save me worrying about the above.



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The 31mm Limited is decent for manual focus, but is not as well damped as the Zeiss is sure to be, being a fully manual focus lens. I'd wager that in the end, the Zeiss will be approximately the same price as the 31mm, but we cannot be sure until it really appears in the flesh. The 31mm is an excellent lens, though, and is much smaller than the 28mm ZK to judge by the published specs.
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I have a 31/1.8 ltd lens - it has the best manual focus feel of any of the limiteds. It is pretty well damped for an autofocus lens and has a bit of a "gritty" feel when the focus ring is turned - definately not as smooth as a real manual focus lens. Optically the 31mm is a GREAT lens and I suspect that it would outperform any of the older Pentax 28/2 lenses (don't know about the zeiss though). BTW - I will email you the email address of a UK dealer that has a used Pentax K28/2 listed for sale (I am not affilitated with them in any way - just passing on a lead).
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Paddy, I have been buying & selling the Pentax mf lenses (amongst others) including the Contax Zeiss lenses for the last 7 years. The fast Pentax lenses have become very hard to find over the last 3 years, they were fairly easy to find up till the DSLR upsurge.


Out of the three you mention, the 28/2 M is regarded as the 'worst' of the three by some margin. The 28/2 A and K versions are much better, but VERY scarce and you will have to wait a long time to find one, especially if you want a UK based one.


Out of interest, before Zeiss hooked up with Yashica to release the Contax RTS system in 1975, they first had a brief relationship with Pentax for about a year and they jointly developed the Pentax K mount and also the Pentax K 28mm f2 lens, which is VERY similar indeed to the celebrated Contax Zeiss 28mm f2 lens.


I notice you are London based and will strongly advise you to avoid a shop in camden called Nicholas like the plague...even if they have what you want. They are very badly regarded by many, many people. They advertise many items they simply do not have, just to attract people in and the prices are a utter rip-off. Please visit my link below to see my experience of visiting the 'shop'.




My post on the thread is several posts down, under the name 'Bretbysteve'.


cheers Steve.

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Not sure if you are referring to the mounts, or the 28/2 lenses, but I cannot answer either with absolute authority.


The Pentax K mount is almost identical to the Contax C/Y mount. Indeed some rear lens caps of the Contax and Pentax mounts will fit both Pentax K and Contax C/Y lenses! How they differ in detail though, I cannot tell you. Obviously they are not identical, or you could swap Contax & Pentax K lenses between the systems, but they are VERY close indeed.


As for the comparison of the Pentax K 28/2 with the Contax Zeiss 28/2...they both have 9 elements in 8 groups, both have close focus of 0.25m, Zeiss weighs 485g, Pentax 423g, Pentax size 62.5x69mm Zeiss 62.5x76mm, Pentax 52mm filter, Zeiss 55mm filter, both have floating elements for close-ups, and if you inspect the internal optical construction, they are IDENTICAL....so quite clearly this was a shared lens design.


cheers Steve.

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Paddy, the new Zeiss 28mm f2 lens is likely to be first-rate, judging by the reports I've seen about the other Zeiss lenses. Lens afficionardo Mike Johnston recently made reference to his experience with the Zeiss 35mm f2 while introducing the 28mm f2 on his blog:

(http://theonlinephotographer.com/the_online_photographer/blog_index.html). Mike wrote: "Among my large backlog of things to do is a review of the Zeiss 35mm f2 ZF lens, but suffice to say it's the best 35mm lens I've yet used, which is saying something, since I've used a lot of them. I'm impressed to see this 28mm stablemate appear."


Besides the 28mm f2, the Zeiss-Pentax collaboration in the early 1970s is also said to have produced the 15mm f3.5 rectilinear ultrawide lens from each company. From memory, about the only difference between the Contax/Zeiss and Pentax K mounts is the location of the bayonet lugs at different positions. The same amount of rotation is required to mount/unmount.


Nice to hear that some people still appreciate the intuitive design of the MX camera, which was Pentax's most evolved, most polished manual camera design.

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