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645 to EOS Adapter: Lens quality question.


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I bought the Photodiox Mamiya 645 to EOS adapter and frankly I love it. I've

always had a severe soft spot for my Mamiya gear, even now when I use it less

and do more digital.


My question is this: It seems my Mamiya glass, even the stock 80/2.8 is as

sharp as my L glass. It some cases I think my 645 glass outresolves my L glass.

Does anyone know how the two compare on average? I don't mind manually

focusing and I'm contemplating buying a few more 645 lenses to add to the ones I

already have.


I know it's a odd question, but I thought I'd put it out there for the photo.net

mind to contemplate.


*crossposted in the Medium Format forums.

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As for image quality, I'd say unless you intend to keep on shooting medium format and use your lenses there you'd be wasting your money. I doubt there's any improvement in image quality and you're losing so much functionality (stop down metering, manual focusing) that I don't see the point.


In general medium format lenses don't have the resolution of 35mm lenses because they have to make more compromises to cover a much larger image circle, plus they have to be bigger and heavier, which usually makes them more expensive.


So if you're buying then mostly to use on your 645, that's just fine, but if you're buying them mostly to use on an EOS body, I just don't see the point.

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While "L" 35mm lenses definitely out resolve medium format lenses you may not be able to tell on your DSLR. My 6 MP body cannot resolve well enough to tell differences in very good lenses and I believe it would take at least a 10 MP 1.6x body or 16 MP full frame body to do so effectively.



As long as you are using the MF lenses on the 645 there is no harm in using them with your DSLR. Have fun!

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