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I'm printing with Epson K3 pigment inks on Epson Premium Luster paper, and I'm

getting an outgassing film on the inside of the glass a few weeks after framing.

I follow the standard prevention, letting the print dry in the open air at least

24 hours, sometimes 48 hours, followed by covering it with plain paper for 24-48

hours. I still get the problem, very slight with some prints but quite

noticeable with others. The prints are dry-mounted and matted and framed under

glass with metal frames.


Anyone have a solution other than leaving them unframed for a much longer period

of time?

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Yes, it's very humid here (D.C.) in the summer but they are inside most of the time where it is air-conditioned. Using some kind of heater is an intriguing idea, but I'd worry about altering the colors or buckling the paper. I may give that a try.


I don't know what process my framer uses but he said the temperature gets up close to 200 F.

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Gary, humid here in New Hamshire too. Same problem. If possible, I try to let them dry 5 days or more between sheets of paper and the problem goes away. FYI, for me, drymounting did NOT solve it for prints that had not dried properly-still got the outgassing fog occaisonally. Also, I find it much worse when printing at 2880 than 1440 (twice the ink-twice the time). Good luck.


Dana/<a href="http://www.whitemountainphoto.com">www.whitemountainphoto.com</a>

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