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Not a Question - More of a Tip


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I've seen people post asking how to get started making money in sports

photography. Here's what's been happening to me, as I am not aiming for a

career in it, but will love the extra income:


My 13-yr old plays AAA ball in the Toronto area, which causes me to be at the

ballpark 5 to 7 nights a week. As I don't particularly care for baseball, I got

into photography last year, more to pass the time than anything else. I always

have 2 camera's, one with 200-500 on a tripod, and one with 17-70 slung over my

shoulder. As people see me either walking around at the park, or taking shots,

many, many of them come up to me and ask if I am with a newspaper, or with the

league or a particular team. I always said no, this is just my hobby, and then

they would ask me to email them pictures. Ding, ding, ding, bells go off in my

head - this could make some of my equipment investment back, so I set it up on

Picasaweb and they email me which pictures they want and I send them the files

by email - 3 for $5.


That's great for a little pocket change, but has not yet paid off more than

$100 a game so far. Still, I only shoot for the first 3 innings, to make sure I

get the entire batting rotation, then I watch my boy play.


However, the big ticket from this is that the convenor's off most tournaments

seem to be coaches of teams, and they have all walked up to me and asked me to

shoot their tournaments next year. I've also had some for this year, which I

did a couple of, and had to turn down a couple. This past weekend, I was at the

Ontario Provincial Championships, and was asked to shoot for next year, pending

my fee for being there.


So, just for having a big lens on my camera [same happens when I have my 70-200

on there], I have found my way into making money as a sports photographer. I've

been to 6 tournaments this year, and none of them has had anyone selling

pictures, or even looking like they are taking pictures for any purpose. The

parents are watching the games, and it is rare to see any of them taking

pictures either.


Hope this helps someone looking for a way to break in - go to the ball fields

on a weekend, and just start shooting pics. I'm going to do the same thing with

his ice hockey this winter.

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Chris: Indeed, it's funny what can happen when you show up with the Big Lenses. I've always found that saying it's your "hobby" can put you at a bit of a disadvantage, though. For some people, the minute they hear that, their brains get locked onto the ol' "Well, since you're already doing this just as a hobby, let me give you my e-mail address where you can send me anything you get of my kid, OK?" It's not that you can't straighten that out, but people are strange, that way.


I think you'd be better off, when people say, "Are you a professional photographer?" by responding, "It's a part of how I make my living." I find that helps to set the tone for the follow-up conversation/e-mails, and it reminds people that what you're doing has a value beyond mere hobby interest. Depending on who I'm talking to, I'll sometimes say, "I wish this COULD be just a hobby, but the wear and tear on this expensive equipment means I've got to be more sensible about what it all costs and how I pay for it." People GET that, and it tends to put those 3-for-$5 prints into perspective, even if folks don't understand that your time and skill is WAY more valuable than that.

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Get yourself an account with www.EventPictures.com


You will be amazed at what an on-line hosting company can do for your sales/image/work flow. Take a look at my domain (or sub-domain really) at www.photosbyartisticeye.com I started off on the same note, shooting tri's because my husband was competing & the next thing you know... I have myself a part time business that is exploding!


If you have any questions, just shout them out! & for those of you who may sign up one day, feel free to use my name & e-mail Laura Alvarez artistic_eye_photography@yahoo.com

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Thanks Laura. I was checking that out, from your other post, and will likely sign up with them. The only challenge is that they are US based, and many Canadians seem to have a bias against using ?foreign? services.


I'm sure it won't be as bad when the dollar is so close, but if we get back to the 30-cent difference, it will likely have some effect, though I can change my pricing to reflect it and still end up with same money. [i actually prefer the big exchange rate, because I make so much money on my e-bay businesses with it being so big.]


Should I sign up with them, you will definitely get the $30 credit they offer for a referral.

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Thanks Leopold.


I'm a touch at a loss to figure which is the best way to go - outsource the entire process with someone like EventPictures.com or do the printing and mailing myself. Given my schedule, I am leaning to outsourcing the entire process. Or, I could hire my son to do the printing and mailing. Hmmmmm.


I didn't care for the commission structure on photoreflect, because they take their commission on the entire order price, not just the mark-up on the order. Kinda like me aying them on money I'm already paying them.


Any other Canadian suggestions?



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Thanks Chris,

I understand the $ situation... that is something I had not thought of, and I wonder how they (and even Photoreflect) would work around that?


I agree with Leopold, Photoreflect is a very nice site as well & I happen to love many of the features! If they offered order fulfillment with that 15% I would be there in a flash :-) I just cant seem to justify paying out 2x's... "that's my money" comes to my mouth in a childish voice!


Good luck on your hunt Chris, I hope you are to find someone local.

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unfortunately, if you are kid, people are not often to ask if they can buy your pictures... The best deal i got was from a local weekly newspaper last year, but they dont seem to be covering our football team this year (the writer wasnt at the game and they never called me). Oh well.
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