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Lens choice for a new collection - Canon vs Nikon (and a new body)


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Earlier I asked about which body. I guess the more intelligent thing would have

been to first decide on what lenses are good and then depending on that choose a



On the Nikon side, I was thinking of the 35mm f2 + 24-85mm f2.8-4 or the

24-120mm VR.


On the Canon side, I see that there is a equivalent 35mm f2 but I can't find any

general purpose lenses to match the Nikons. The "L" are nice but expensive and

too heavy for my casual shooting needs. Maybe the 24-85mm f3.5-4.5 USM?


From shooting with a Sigma 24-135mm on a Canon 300D (now sold), I found that

most of my shots are between 24mm and 50mm. So I don't think I want any of those

18-2xx lenses.






- Siddhartha

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Choose the camera first. Those Nikon lenses you mention above are just all around lenses.

I'm sure you can find something similar from Canon, Pentax, Sony, etc. I don't know what

you will be shooting at but first you gotta feel at home with the controls and handling of the

camera. I asked you before why you got rid of your D300. If those are the lenses you want,

wasn't the 300D a good camera already?

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Thanks for your comments guys.


Sorry, I didn't answer your question earlier, Rene. I sold the 300D because of several reasons. I wasn't using it enough in the place I was living but moved to San Francisco now. I was kind of bored with the camera after owning it for almost four years. I was selling my lens collection and the 300D ended up the on the block automatically.


Then a friend brought over his 20D+50mm f1.8 and I really liked the way it felt, the faster response and electronics and ofcourse the lens.


The lenses I am looking at are prosumer at the best. I can't spend $1000+ on each pro lens because of cost and weight. The lenses I own will be used for all around shooting - a bit of everything. Landscape, portraits, some action maybe. I intend to get a 35mm and try to shoot with it as much as possible to get some shooting discipline and a general walkaround lens that starts atleast at f2.8.


One lens that is common between Canon and Nikon is the 17-55mm f2.8. Nikon's rated slightly above the Canon and can also be used on full-frame but then the Canon is lighter and adds IS to it.


In the 24-xxx range, only Nikon has the 24-85mm f2.8-4. I don't think Canon has anything in that range and price. And although I have used non-OEM lenses like Sigma and Tamron and enjoyed both, I think I will stick to the OEM lenses this time.


On bodies, its most likely Canon 40D vs Nikon D300. Or, if I don't want to wait until December for a camera (thats when the D300 hits the stores) then I might go with a D80 for now and upgrade once Nikon's ironed out all the bugs out of the D300. I know its not a fair comparison because the Nikon D300 is a good $500 more expensive but the Nikon has some nice features that the Canon doesn't like the ability to use the older MF lenses, more flash modes, a much higher resolution LCD, a bigger buffer, and a few more.


Pentax - They sure have some nice lenses but Canon's CMOS sure is cleaner than the Sony CCD. Plus, I have the impression that Pentax dSLR electronics are slower than Canon/Nikon.


Sony - Wouldn't buy mostly anything from them. I just despise the company.


Another option I have is just buy a used 20D + a 35mmf2 and defer the decision for later. That way I won't have too much investment into gear so I can switch later.

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