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Color space/profile for most stock photo sites?

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I am a bit new to the pro-level digi photo game, and was wondering if anyone had

any wisdom to contribute regarding the ideal color profile for images submitted

to stock sites. I know that Adobe RGB is preferred for editing and print, but

that sRGB is preferred for web display due to the varying calibrations of PC

monitors. Because stock photo sites license images for both print AND web, how

do photographers know which profile to convert to before uploading? I know

Alamy prefers Adober RGB - is it a safe bet that they all do? Thanks!



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Any service bureau worth their salt can take a well-adjusted file in a standard, device-independent, embedded color space (e.g., Adobe RGB or sRGB) and print it accurately. In a color-managed work flow, the print profile is inserted between the display program and the printer at the time of printing.
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