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OK so here is my David Lynch version of tring to get a nice monitor.


First of all i purchased a Samsung monitor (before posting my last post

about what kind of monitor is really good for color correcting). The first

Samsung had a defect in the screen so i returned for another that ended up

having dead pixels so i decided to return it and get a mac mainly becuase the

model of Samsung the store wasn't carrying any longer and i just decided to

get something else. Ok so i have a PC but eventually i will get a mac but

until then I felt I'll start w/ a monitor by Apple.


I went to my local Apple store and bought a monitor. First one had dead

pixels right in the middle of the screen (annoying) the second did too and

they wouldn't let me check it before i left the store. So, they let me come

back and get a third and we checked it in the store. I thought my problems

were over (this would be the 5th monitor in one week). Well, I got that

monitor home and it wouldn't turn off appropiately. It would stay back lit and

i had to unplug it completly to get it to turn off. Sometime while on i

couldn't even turn it off or on by using the controls on the side or control

the brightness - just plain couldn't use the controls on the side (they would

do nothing). Seemed like an electrical issue w/ the monitor. I tried it in

several outlets and it did the same thing. But ofcourse it didn't do it at the



So, I pleaded w/ them (as they probably thought i'm one of those people

that bring their kid to the doctor just to get attention when they arn't

really sick) to let me take another home and they told me "we don't want to

inconvience you any more so we'll charge you restocking fee to return it." i

was not having that. I just need a monitor that works i told them and i'd like

anther one, logically thinking if the other 4 worked fine (besides dead

pixels) it was an electrical issue w/ the monitor not my home. I also have to

mention i have another hooked up and it was fine during all this. They

absolutely wouldn't let me exchange and would only let me return the monitor.

I started crying at the store after pure frustration knowing I JUST NEED ONE

THAT WORKS. I was even willig to take the other one's w/ dead pixels back. I

felt the staff was sooooo rude. While checking my computer they droped the

little white box in the back of the computer that connects everything and

cracked it and i asked if i could have a new one and they wouldn't even

exchange that.


I had a photo shoot scheduled in the mountains and told them while they took

30minutes to refund me i was going to have to leave or i would be late for my

shoot. The manager as so rude that I eventually had to just leave and called

later to make sure i got my refund. I realized not though they didn't refund

my "APPLE CARE" and now I don't have a reciept. Funny i even have "APPLE CARE"

as they really didn't "CARE" at all about helping me in the first place. They

tried to talk to their manager because the salse rep said, "we don't want you

leaveing unhappy and want you to be able to serve your clients well"....i

don't know what happened to that.


So, here i am w/ only my laptop at the moment. Wondering what i should do. My

father is coming over to check my electrical outlets and measure the output.

Meanwhile I'm completely frustrated w/ APPLE.


Sorry so long just needed to tell this nightmare.

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Call Apple's main 800-number and ask to talk to a supervisor. Explain what took place in the

store and I'm sure they'll make it right. Every time when I have called Apple with a problem

they have made sure everything is taken care of and that I'm a happy customer.


Hopefully this is just the staff of one store being jerks.

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"Hopefully this is just the staff of one store being jerks."


I hope so too, but I think it is great to advertise this sort of thing anyway. Becoming *famous* for rudeness is better than being rude and getting away with it. When businesses come to realize that internet forums are such a great retaliatory agent, perhaps it will cause sales people and managers to see the rewards in being kind and responsive to their customers.


I am sure they were deciding that you were just being too picky, and that they were never going to make you happy, so they just cut you off. But if their products really were defective, it is still their problem to fix it.


BTW, just where is this local Apple store?

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for the record - cherry creek mall, denver colorado - store manager i'm pretty sure was josh and all i have to say is after 2 hours of totally feeling degraded i didn't have nice words w/ him as i left at all. but this is after almost 2 hours of feeling like i was putting up rude circumstances. and for the record the sales people were very nice except for the guy at the genuis bar was a bid snid....mainly i was so put off that they just wouldn't let me return it and try one more time - but guess what -


i'm typing this on my newest mac monitor from a differnt mac store that i went and bought today that has no dead pixels and works fine. so go figure - it wasn't an electrical issue as my dad did check it out. i feel like telling them over at that store too.....it was so humiliating. atleast i know am up and running like i need to be. ;)

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oh and another thing: the first day i bought my first monitor from apple the sales rep was sooooo nice to me. i even called the store asked for a manager (not the same one that was rude) and told them how much it meant to me because i feel great customer service runs thin many times. this is the same guy that had to ultimately tell me they wouldn't let me exchange that last day (although he was just talking for his manager)...anyhooooo thanks for giving me the 800 number - i am going to call and talk to someone because it made me late to a shoot, soooo frustrated i cried in public like a big baby and i was totally humilated.
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Now, maybe the service should be better, and maybe not...but I sure would loose my patience with a customer who exchanged 5 monitors in a week and was looking for the sixth one. These products CAN have some dead pixels. If you are looking for one which doesn't - then pay the price and buy one which comes with GUARANTEED no dead pixels - yes, products like this are available, at a price.


Honestly, I quite admire the patience of the guys in the shop - and unless they were REALLY rude, I wouldn't call them so. From what you say - they just refused the 6th (or fifth) exchange without actually being rude. I guess they just got tired...I would.

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Leszek - i only returned 2 monitors w/ dead pixels to the apple store. and they agreed they were bad enought to return. there wasn't a problem there. and as i said i called the manager the first day to commend the excellent service i did get from my sales rep before the last return. what was frustrating was they wouldn't let me exchange. so i had to return and go to another store and buy another one. so i didn't return 5 monitors to that store (had to return three). the other two were from another store and one had many dead pixel (like over hundred and the other monitor had a dent in the screen) so i had monitor bad karma...but if you were me you would of liked to be treated w/ respect and helped out i would think....it's like you seem to be blameing the victim...because in this case i had bad luck.
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and btw i call things like i see it - that's why i called and went out of my way to make sure the manager at the apple store realized his employee rocked when helping me...all the sales reps did till the last problem. except the guy at the genuis bar....and the store manager...so when he was very snid w/ me i got snid back after basically being told they were helping me by not helping me and waiting 40 minutes becuase they screwed up my refund and i had to meet a client up in the mountains to shoot. easy to judge until your in someone elses shoes and remember this wasn't the 6th monitor at this store....it was the third. the other 2 were at a whole other store....and i paid a lot of money for my monitor....my apple display wasn't cheap but it's not the most expensive either it's what i can afford and i'm also aware of the acceptable pixel disclaimer apple has...again no one had a problem switching that out and they were nice until the last day...because they couldn't find the electrical issue...because it operated fine there. but all i can say is now i'm on an apple display....no dead pixels and no electrical probs so it seems the third one had electrical problems being i never had this issue ever.
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oh and Leszek i had some crappy words w/ the manager after i "nicely" explained after about 20minutes i was going to be late for my shoot....i even asked if they could just call me and let me know the refund went through becasue i really couldn't wait any longer....and i had just been crying because i was soooo frustrated w/ everything (the whole - I just need a monitor that works experiance) and he just rudely replied..."well you can just stand here or you can leave"...so i left and told him what an a__hole he was. and he was as far as i see it....his employees weren't but he was in my view point.
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Meg - the point still remains that consumer grade monitors ARE allowed to have some dead pixels. If you are after better quality - you need to pay for better quality, that was the whole point of my post.


Whether consumer monitors SHOULD have ded pixels - is another issue. Of course you may be frustrated - but if you want quality - you need to buy stuff which has guaranteed NO DEAD PIXELS. It is available.

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i see your point. and when i returned the first 2 (at the apple store) i even pointed out i knew about the acceptable dead pixel issue...they didn't have a problem switching them out. it was the last day where it spiraled down on the rude scale. the third monitor would not turn off unless i unplugged it. and while it was on i couldn't use the side controls at all (they didn't work - couldn't even turn off the screen) it was bizarre....
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Felicisimo, first you need to understand that they are NOT defective. LCD monitors can have couple of dead pixels (ot of 2 millions or so), if one buys consumer grade stuff. LCDs with NO DEFECTS are available too - just the price is a bit higher. So, you don't need to understand anything - you just need to buy what you need, not complain that the average stuff has 0.0001% defects.
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i get the point that you can pay for a monitor w/ a not dead pixel guarentee....but it's interesting not one of my monitors in my life has ever had one and i'm a graphic artist who uses the heck out my stuff...so it is ironic when i spent a great deal of money on an apple monitor which was more expensive than some "great" monitors for color editing - that not one of my moderately or inexpensive monitors has ever had a prob...
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