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Indoor shots 24-105L with 430ex


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Hi all,


Just received a request to shoot indoor meeting of one organization. Problem is

that I mainly have been shooting macro and outdoor sports (dogs/horses).


Equipment will be 30D, 430ex with 24-105L lens. What settings do you think

would be ideal starting point? Manual/Av/Tv, Shutter speed, aperture, ISO?


I'm thinking of using Manual mode, ISO400 with flash.


Flash problems.. I don't know what kind of room meeting is held so I don't know

if flash can be bounced from walls/seiling. I do not have flash diffuser unless

I make one by myself;)


This is not paid job so pressure is not high but it would be nice to get good




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The 430ex covers the 10-22 range nicely ... the 10-15 range needs the

integrated diffusor. It's likely a good idea to take the 10-22 with you ... at least if you haven't seen the location. I do such shots occasionally for the company I'm working for, and most time there is plenty of space so that 24mm is fine, but you never know.

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I shot the 24-105 on my 30D inside and outside and do so with no problem. If you can, vistit the location that you will shot and give it a look with both lens see what works. To some 24mm is entirely to long. For me I would go crazy with no more than 22mm on the long end. Unless you are shooting large groups in confinded space or trying to get entire interiors the 24mm is probably enough(it is for me).


Also I seem to get good results shooting indoors on manual f4 1/60 - 1/250s ISO 400-640. I set the shutter to decide how much ambient I want in(typicly I use 1/50 or 1/60) and I set the ISO depending on how much my flash is struggling. The bigger the room and higher the ceiling the higher the ISO you will need. You may need ISO800 unless you are shooting the flash direct where I pretty much always bounce with a Lumiquest 80-20 on a 580EX.


Reguardless what I or any one else does get to the event earliy to give you time to test shoot. If you are still not sure besure to shoot RAW to give you plenty of latitude to adjust exposure.



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