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Pentax Rebates


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I have recently sent off for my rebates on a K100 and 360FGZ flash. I have

seen some people post that rebates are only valid with what was purchased at

one time. I have read the form several times, and the only restriction is

that double rebates are only available when purchased on the same receipt. It

also says there is a 5 rebate limit per household.


Does anyone know for sure? I am contemplating another purchase.





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I haven't read the details very carefully, but I have applied for and received quite a few rebates from Pentax, and I know that they haven't been for the same purchases at the same time. I've gotten rebates on two cameras, a couple of lenses and I'm pretty sure there was a rebate connected with my purchase of the 540FGZ flash unit, too. I feel pretty sure that the point of the per-household limit is to keep one buyer from buying a bunch and selling to friends or acquaintances, that sort of thing. In short, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Make your purchase based on the quality of the item and its suitability for your needs, and take the rebate as a bonus.


On the other hand, I now feel the need to add: caveat emptor (which I know is what you're trying to do). If I'm wrong, and you are told you don't qualify for a rebate, please don't blame me!

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