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Any experience of the M-mount Planar 50mm?

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Is it a latest model Summicron 50/2? If so, that's a really excellent lens and bargain priced (for Leica anyway). I don't have the Zeiss for my Leica M, but I use Contax SLRs with the 50/1.4 planar for that and though it is an excellent lens (and very cheap) it's doesn't seem better than the Summicron.
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Hi, don't have any experience with the planar 50mm , but i bought a Sonnar ( which is

really close to the Planar ) two weeks ago, i took few shots, great tonality and build

quality, however i have to get used to it, that's my first 50mm.


<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1106/1177320185_080d7977fe.jpg?v=0" >

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1159/1177318173_d9645a7591.jpg?v=0" >

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1020/1178176762_50f9ab8d4f.jpg?v=0" >

<img src="http://tractica.free.fr/Img064.jpg" >


all shots taken with ilford fp4 rated @ 100 in D76 for 9 minutes

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Hi Jonathan, I don't have any experience with the Summicron. I've bought a Planar 50 a month ago to fit my m6ttl, mostly based on Erwin Put's articles (http://www.imx.nl/photo/) and because I thought the prices for new and used Leica too high. I have shot some 6 rolls b&w with it so far and the definition of the pictures is amazing. I also have Hasselblad and Nikon glass, and this Zeiss is fantastic, very crisp images. It's very nice to work with and I think a good price/performance ratio. I am not a professional user, for my needs (100 rolls/year) it is perfect - probably the mechanics of your summicron are better. I recommend it.
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I had one for a while and liked it. It was sharper than the DR Summicron i also had. I only

sold the Zeiss in order to acquire the 50Lux-ASPH.


I have no comments about flare, though. I can't recall that ever being an issue with any lens

i've owned, unless i tried to induce it. I usually use lens hoods, though.

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Ergonomics is bad, at least for me. I keep forgetting to take the lens cap off because it's so darned small and hidden by the hood!!! My DR summicron, on the other hand, is very obvious. The cap fits over the reversed hood, to shoot I have to remove the cap and mount the hood, so I've never had a dark slide from that lens yet.
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Well, I went on holiday with this one and a 50mm Summicron (current version). 14 days of strong sun in Greece. After I came back I sold the Summicron. Flare is not an issue. Just buy it, for the price you can't go wrong. I've seen them go for less than $500 on eBay, that is an insane price.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I might sell my cameras (Leica, Hexar AF, Bessa R) - but this lens stays. Forever. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way about their Summicron, but to me it was love at first sight.<div>00MPXw-38260184.jpg.6c621e1930f8369720244dd4df02e8fb.jpg</div>

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