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Is the E1 viewfinder....


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There's a table of viewfinder sizes <a href="http://danny.id.au/photography/equipment/dslr-viewfinder-sizes.html">here</a>. Basically it's about as tall as a typical APS-C camera viewfinder, but not as wide (because of the difference in aspect ratios). I find it reasonable (even wearing glasses), and can manually focus OK with the

standard screen from about 50mm (100mm equivalent) onwards.


As for the RAW files, I'm not sure what to say. Objectively, they obviously don't have as much resolution, and from what I've seen, the noise is worse. (I do not have a 410 or 510.) Noisewise, I personally consider ISO 100-200 excellent, 400 good, 800 OK, 1600 usable in a pinch, and 3200 forget it, but your tastes may vary.


Subjectively, you'll find a reasonably large cult of people who think that there's just "something" special about the files that the E-1 produces. I find myself gradually becoming a member of this cult, but maybe we're all just deluded. It's a very nice camera to work with, and legendary for its reliability, so perhaps we're all brainwashed by that.


I've actually gotten to the point where I mainly just shoot JPEG with it. For me, the auto white balance is always perfect, and I love the colors that the camera produces. The RAW converters that I've tried under Linux don't quite match the camera's colors by default, and I'm too lazy to spend a lot of time fiddling with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The E-1 viewfinder is easy to live with. It is not what I was used to from my pre digital days with regular film size mirror and screens,and took some getting adjusted to at first. Once you do, I think you will like it. (And having the upgraded eyecup helps.) I can easily see the subject with the fast Zuiko lenses, and the info read out below is just right...and wun 'nuther thing rarely mentioned- the design of the E-1 allows me to use the right eye without the old schnozzola getting into the line of fire,so to speak :-). RAW? RAW is something I may get around to one day. I find the JPEGs require little fiddling once I get the exposure where I want it. I don't turn on to much computer fiddling anyway. Summary" Good camera and fair pricing now and-trust us- decent finder with real glass pentaprism.
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