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Type 55: disposal of sodium sulfite clearing solution

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I'm on a septic system at my home. I've learned that I shouldn't dispose of

photo processing chemicals in my septic, but in a sewer system instead. And that

used fixer can't even be put in sewer without first removing the silver.


What about disposal of Polaroid Type 55 processing. Can I dispose of spent

sodium sulfite mix or water used in washing negatives down my septic, or does

the same cautions apply? And is there any silver that needs to be removed?


Best, David.

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David, I am no great expert on T55, but I do like to use it on occasion and allow myself to splurge and buy one box a year. If you need help with this unique film, my best suggestion is to write Photonet member Jim Adams. Jim is about the most knowlegable practitioner/artist of T55 in the world today. (OK, that was a shameless plug for a friend.)


To my understanding, and I may be wrong, a solution of sodium sulfite isn't all that different from seawater -- or blood. Unlike developer or fixer, sodium sulfite or hypo-wash is relatively safe stuff. I wouldn't mix it with tequila and drink it of course, but I just toss mine out the back door.

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Unless you are developing film in commercial quantities, it is perfectly fine to put fixer and developer down a regular municipal sewer. I've been doing it for more than 30 years at home and we did the same at all the newspapers I worked for. Recovering silver is something only done in commercial lab setting. It is not worth the time and trouble in a home lab or even small newspaper. I'm talking home situations where you're developing maybe four rolls at a time and dumping a quart or a newspaper situation where maybe you dump a gallon at the end of the week. It's a tiny percentage of a percentage point of all the liquids going down your drain and gets diluted to the point that it simply doesn't matter. Compared to the detergents getting pumped out by your dishwasher and washing machine, oil running off your driveway and fertilizer from your lawn, it simply doesn't matter. I know -- people will say it all adds up and hurts the environment. But there aren't enough of us developing film at home anymore for that to be true today. Septic is more sensitive but, I think a developing tank full of T55 should not be a problem.
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It really is a small amount and it's really mostly sodium sulfite. No harm in that, since it breaks down readily in an aerobic environment. Because it takes up oxygen so easily, and is not terribly toxic, the chemical has uses in the food industry as a preservative. It will scavenge the oxygen from before it has a chance to feed the bacteria that spoil the food.


As for any silver that might be in the Polaroid Type 55 clearing bath, don't worry about it. The amounts are so small that they are less than insignificant.

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