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OM 50mm f3.5 macro on 4/3

glyn r

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I use OM 50mm f3.5 on OM4ti body, so can not compare with ZD lens. On film body it's very good lens, sharp and constrasty as it gets in 35mm format. Don't try it for woman portraits unless skin is perfect - too sharp. It has weird bokeh - avoid highlights in background. I have earlier single coated version and I like it very much for b&w.
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I use a multicoated Zuiko 50mm f3.5 macro on an e330 and it performs very well. The main problem is the lack of auto aperture, so I usually have to focus at full aperture, then stop down manually. So the combination is really feasible only for tripod work with still subjects. I have never tried the ZD lens and I too would be very interested to know what users think of it.<div>00MHiD-38043484.jpg.c84aced42262810c5113236edfaa9996.jpg</div>
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I have been using the OM 50mm f1.8 with extension tubes. I had a ZD35mm macro which I found too short focal length. I thought the ZD50mm macro was more than I want to spend. I am waiting to see it the new 70-300 zoom is any good. Its supposed to give 1:2 so it should give 1:1 on 4/3.
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