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Why won't VueScan output color and bit depth correctly?

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I'm so frustrated w/ VueScan and it's use with my Nikon 9000.


Can someone please explain to me why, no matter what I set my color scans to,

the output is *always* 8bit sRGB? I have walked thru the manual several times,

and I have it all set correctly. My b&w scans work great, but color... no deal.


Tried every sample rate... every bit depth... every output color space... no

matter what... 8bit sRGB.


I know... use Silverfast. Not an option right now. ;)


..and Nikon's software doesn't work w/ CS3..


another day in digital paradise.


thanks for your help!

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You mean you go to the color tab, go down to the "output color space" and select "Adobe RGB" and it still outputs as sRGB?


And you go to the output tab, go down to "TIF file type" and select "48 bit RGB" and it still comes out as 24 bit (8 bit files)?


You mentioned CS3. None of this has anything to do with Photoshop. Are you not outputting as a TIF in a separate workflow unrelated to Photoshop?

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I saw your words over on Lightstalkers regarding scanning. :) Don't go jumping off the GG

Bridge over this. I went through hell with my Minolta 5400 V. 1 until I updated the

VueScan software and now continue to do so regularly.


Just go through everything step by step again. Insure the correct scanner is selected and

all that stuff. Really tedious.


VS version I am working with now is 8.4.28

You actually read the manual? You're a better person then me. Seriously, I did find the

manual lacking like it was for another version then what I have.


I found SilverFast to be overly complicated and cluttered on the screen.

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Paul: ha! yeah, that lightstalkers thread about tri-x and scanning.. like any one film goes through a scanner well! ;)


I am using the latest VS, and went step by step... by step by step... repeat.. over and over. Tried many different methods.. formats..etc.. same thing. Tonight.. I remove all footprints of the software on my mac, and re-install. Yeah.. Silverfast.. it's like writing code to get your scanner working.


Del: Yeah, I should of made myself clear, the Nikon does work w/ CS3, but the plugin only works with CS2. Now, not unless you have something different, I am not able to use the NikonScan plugin unless I'm in CS2. The stand alone works great, but has the most vague settings options of all the scanning software. ...I work w/ the guy who wrote Photoshop, and we both confirmed that NikonScan will not work correctly with the 'universal' build code of CS3.

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Yeah... pro version, and paid for. tried both bit depths. In fact, I did a scan of every option, and saved out each image. I now have a slide show of 12 images, that are all 8bit, sRGB. Crazy.


I'm going to try and contact the guy from VueScan today, cause this is just insane. (and that manual is not helping).


Wonder if it's a Mac version thing.

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every photo viewing application (preview, cs3, lightroom, and gimp, all return the same information about the images. sRGB, 8bit. I think something is wrong with his latest version on the Mac.


I'm pretty savvy w/ the software side of things, and I'm a RTFM user. ;)


Had anyone else had this issue w/ VueScan?

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