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I have not used Hasselblads for over forty years. I retired a year ago and

decided to get back into Medium Format Photography. I recently purchased a 500C,

a 500CM and a 500 E/LM along with various backs,lenses, accessories and a Zone

VI to hang them on. After reading through the entire list of over 3000+ posts on

the Hassy Forum of Photo.net, I would have to say that I once again feel

comfortable with a Hassy in my hands. The breadth and depth of information

available here is many times more valuable than just reading technical manuals

as all if not most of the problems are encountered by actual users. Thank you

again for all the expert and to the point information from all of the Hassy

experts here. Bravo!

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David. You're very welcome. Yes, the access to so many willing-to-help folk has been very liberating for me. The opportunity to give back some is rewarding also.


It sounds like you now have a similar bundle of gear to my lot. I've acquired it piece by piece since the late 1980's and I still feel that the decision to go with Hasselblad was one of the best moves I ever made. Often reaching deep into the pocket yes, but no regrets.


Cheers, Kevin. Newcastle upon Tyne.

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The 'Blad (you can tell I'm in Britain from the way I shorten the name) is a splendid piece of kit and prices are marvellous now. I too have been rebuilding my kit, carefully buyng tatty items at silly prices. I've accumulated a two body, four lens kit for around a third of the price of one new camera, lens and back. A lot of it ain't pretty but it works as well as ever and that's what counts.
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My dear H.P., having lived 40 years Downunder, I can assure you that the use of abbreviations, such as "'Blad", is by no means exclusive to Britain. Most Americans will also attest to this. And besides, if you hadn't brought it up, I would have assumed from the "ain't" ( Good Heavens! ) that you were in fact from the USA, and more likely to be seen with a banjo than a camera.


Please excuse us David, but the odd friendly banter is also likely to get into the camera kit.

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"And besides, if you hadn't brought it up, I would have assumed from the "ain't" ( Good Heavens! ) that you were in fact from the USA, and more likely to be seen with a banjo than a camera."


He likes to drink cold flat lager beer and watch "Deliverance".



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If "H,P." is a true Brit. and not just from Britain, then he probably doesn't drink lager in any kind of state.


He would prefer Bitter, served at cellar temperature, hand drawn from a keg sitting in the pub's basement. Nicely chilled but not so cold that it loses its flavour.


Shows good taste, just like owning a 'Blad!


Many people would be amazed how refreshing a cool beer is versus an ice cold one.

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